SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Seth EK vs this game

Postcount Comparisons

In SFoL 61, Seth was an Evil King.
Postcount by EoD2 = 118

In Insurgency, Seth was groupscum
Postcount by Mid-D2 (his death) = 263

In WoW:BfA, Seth was groupscum
Postcount by EoD2 = 216

In NUF, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 256

In FoL28, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 117

In ToS2, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 407

In DGADT, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 429

In Hell in a Cell, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 151

In RMIV, Seth was town
Postcount by EoD2 = 65

Scum Average = 199
Town Average = 272
(No significant outliers)

This game
Postcount by EoD2 = 129

Conclusion: There isnā€™t enough data to determine if postcount is alignment-indicative. Towngames are not consistent enough to compare to scumgames.

Time to focus on the content of these posts.

Keep in mind there is no GK game to compare to, and groupscum games are not a fair comparison, as EK doesnā€™t have TMI - so this isnā€™t solid evidence of alignment.

Content Comparisons

Distinct difference in answers. Iā€™m unsure how to determine alignment based on these answers, but I would love some insight from others.

Weirdass performative post.

Mentions Allies quite a few times, including asking players to guess a number. Never mentioned allies d1 in SFoL62

In SFoL61, Seth backs up every read with analysis on posts, whereas in SFoL61 he just posts his thoughts without reasoning.

Self-aware in SFoL61, commenting on playstyle changes & reasoning for lack of activity. No mention of these in SFoL62.

Similar thought-process on trials. However, on d2 in SFoL61, Seth votes players for pressure, and decides to save his trial. In 62, he doesnā€™t vote, and immediately uses trial. Still hasnt voted

Seth doesnā€™t post a single readslist in SFoL61. Posts multiple in SFoL62. Also provides no reasonings, just placements. Seems overly concerned with providing reasonings in SFoL61.

ā€œFineā€ with being poisoned in SFoL61, likely in an attempt to look more towny. Is actively against a poison in SFoL62.

Iā€™m running short on time, so Iā€™m wrapping this up. I actually think Seth was more active in SFoL61 in comparison to here. In 61 he seems focused on appearing townie, whereas he justā€¦ doesnā€™t give a shit in the current game.

Iā€™m pretty sure Seth is just a terrible GK.


I do believe ive said something to that effect before with eighty

they said it was personality

but im not waving it away with the context of what scum probably thought

I went kinda for speed on this
and might have missed posts

(like i didnt see seth talk about allies d1 in this game)

lemme know if you remember mentions of that or whatever

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Still not sure as to why she thought I was defending her back then since I said I found it curious that she didnā€™t refute Janeā€™s points, but yeah.
I guess I could see a world where one would think this is some kind of hedge?

This is just a plain question about my read.

This reads more like they expected me to provide more points as to why I think Gorta is towny, not ā€œnot taking a stanceā€.

Iā€™m not explaining since you refused to cooperate.

you are refusing to cooperate

I didnt see a conclusion after questioning you

I think scum would do that, to find which unconvertable you are

I can see town doing that too

thats why the whole thing wasnt very useful

Youā€™re the one who refused to state who you targeted N1 and N2.

Iā€™ve already made my stance on Anstreim, I didnā€™t feel like I needed to make a big show on it.

Havenā€™t felt the need to reevaluate this read yet as weā€™ve only had one flip and Anstreim has still felt fairly townie. Plus the whole PK situation makes it sound like Anstreim is very unlikely to be Cult/Unseen, in which case the worst he can be is the NK?

Not too concerned with him being NK as of right now, since NK still need wolves out. I also just donā€™t think heā€™s NK, but Iā€™m not going to pretend Iā€™m some expert NK hunter.

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yea I need to know why

Because I know something about your targets.

Now can you state?

considering me outing it would give out much info for no reason



I see no reason to out Emiliaā€™s targets.
You say you have information on her/Centuries, and that it might potentially be a redcheck.
Keyword being ā€œpotentiallyā€.

Is narrowing down Executioner PoE even by asking for their N1/N2 actions worth it? Do you have anything on them other than mech?

I have my reasoning so fuck off and stop getting involved.

No, I will not stop getting involved especially since you are still firmly in the bottom of my list.

Well, I was planning on keeping this for later (which is why I backtracked on it earlier with the intent of looking like I had misread my results), but given Wazzas current actions:

/vote Wazza

Iā€™ll take you spewing Emilia as town as good enough.


And yes, this is a redcheck.

In case that wasnā€™t subtle enough.