Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

When I used to play we’d p much always catch the spy but they could often guess. We were p shit tho.

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Spy never guessed when I played

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Too bad that you could not play this one. Your experience might have helped.

A lot of the time, your subnautica questions had you bickering, while the spy sat quietly, taking notes


I think you guys also forgot that the spy has to fake a role too. A spy has to come up with a believable role if pressed for answers. I don’t think anyone tried doing this.

Some of the answers, especially the one from Simon, were bad, though.

Is what’s your role a valid question?

Yep - Although I tend to ask ‘Why are you here,’ or ‘Do you work here’ or, ‘What do you do here?’

Hey mole

What’s your role :thinking:

Yeah but “cannoneer” would have spoiled the location.

I’m here to oversee a fair battle of wits

You answer something like, ‘I’m in charge of making sure the guns are loaded’

I bet he’s a Knight or somethin’. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah but that massively narrows it down.

True, but not specifically - also means no one suspects you of being a spy. Town reading is strong.

I dislike job questions

They can really screw with you

Also the Spy needs to know the location to fake a good role lol

Exactly. If they can’t fake a role, they are outted as a spy really fast. Specific location based questions cannot be misinterpreted.

I remember once we were playing and the location was ‘Space station’ - and I was asked what the weather outside was like, to which I replied ‘I’m led to believe it is exceptionally cold’

Later, the spy was asked ‘Would they need any special clothing to go outside’ and they said ‘They would need to wrap up warm’.

Immediately voted, had no idea of the location.

But they also get a better guess than a more careful probing

Yes it is strong. But not so strong that an answer that narrows it down to a few locations is ok.

As long as nobody responds with things like “a horse” or “book on a shelf” you should be ok

I mean some of those answers were really just bad lmao

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