The Monkey's Paw

Granted. Your Anti-Rain Device is broken beyond repair.

I wish school wasn’t boring.

A glorious way to die.

Granted. You are handed a gun and thrust into the zombie Apocalypse for class. It’s not a very good gun and your odds of survival are almost zero.

I wish school was actually just a cat.

Schools worldwide are cats. No schools can be build or they become cats. Houses of homeschoolers are cats. World is doomed.
I wish there was free food everywhere.

Granted. Specifically, it’s free buttered popcorn-flavored jelly beans.

I wish there were a place to roller skate on campus.

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granted. Your room is now where every roller skater on campus goes to roller skate. It’s not any bigger.

i wish for $100 in money perfectly valid to buy things with directly into my bank account

Granted. Your bank account now has $108 dollars

I wish for Kentucky fried chicken

Granted, your chicken is fried entirely with the whole state of Kentucky

I wish for a good Japanese rhythm game on a modern portable computer that’s been translated in 100% correct English and has controls that are fair, accurate to the songs involved, and that it is NOT boring and not too easy

Granted, but it’s VR and only works with the highest quality headsets that are far out of your price range.

I wish I could have more pizza.

granted, but you have to buy it first

I wish for lactose-free milk


Granted. It’s disgusting.

I wish I could be a tree.

im p good at granting wishes but im bad at making them


Granted. But a fire started next to you and it scorched you, so you are now ash instead.

I wish that lag didn’t exist.

Granted. The only way to truly remove lag is to eliminate the internet itself.
I wish that I could have the ability to, whenever I felt like it, load files of any file size to this site

see i would have answered it as “granted. you become a bonsai tree, kept indoors, never to see the outside world again”

“granted. people really just react that slowly”

i just got a plan.

granted. you can, but the site gets overwhelmed whenever anyone else tries to load them, crashing the page for them instantly.

i wish somebody would tell me the correct answer to the following problem without intentionally looking up a solution or any information or tools that could help one get there:

Im building a fence that will be attached to my house on one side (the side its attached doesnt use any fence). if i have 73 feet worth of fence material, what is the largest area that can be encompassed by the fence, in square feet?

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Granted, it’s 666.125, however as a calculator is a tool it’s possible that I failed the “correct” stipulation due to any number of silly arithmetic errors and as a pencil is a tool one could make the argument that I failed the “tools” one as well.

I wish that Simon would tell me if that’s the right answer.

Granted, but it might take him awhile to get back to you on that.

I wish painting things red made them faster.

Granted. It is one specific shade of red that is impossible to produce, though.
I wish I passed at my uni

Granted. You have now passed uniform. Congratulations.
I wish I had infinite amounts of strawberry ice-cream.

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Granted, but because it is so much most of it melts before you can eat it.

I wish i had a glass of water