Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Either Wind and EVO or Wind and ATNo would give me a much better chance. Because then it would be just convincing Wind that the other was wolf.

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Actually the more I think about it, the more I see that this situation favors ATNo the most. W!ATNo would have the best chance to convince either V!EVO to vote V!me or V!me to vote V!EVO.

W!EVO would stand a better chance with V!ATNo and V!Wind, probably going with convincing V!Wind to vote V!ATNo, while still having a way to suggest a deep wolf possibility for V!Wind.

W!me would stand a better chance with V!ATNo and V!Wind also. Pretty much for the same reasons.

Also, I find it interesting that ATNo is pushing the idea of Wind being a suicide convert. He was stressing the whole suicide convert a lot the previous day, too. It was part of his insistence that Gorta had to be the cuddle to avoid him pushing the button. That somehow he had maneuvered Gorta into feeling safe the night before and waiting to use it.

This also conveniently serves a way for him to go back on previous reads. Basically he had everyone else as town, but since thereā€™s a convert, all that is out the window. Though interestingly, he still keeps his TR on EVO despite also believing the suicide convert is likely. Actually if Wind was a suicide convert, ATNo would have been the best choice. Wind would want to still set things up best for a wolf win. So going back to the scenarios I described at the beginning of this post, converting ATNo would give the best scenario compared to converting either EVO or me.

Also his insistence on the whole hesitation for voting Gorta as suspicious doesnā€™t make sense. Itā€™s fine to explain that as his original thought process. But shouldnā€™t the fact that there were two people hesitating and only one wolf indicate a faulty thought process? At least that the hesitation is NAI? Yet I feel like heā€™s focusing on using it to either suggest that Wind was a suicide convert or that I was wolfy for my hesitation or both. The logic doesnā€™t work out there.

Plus looking back at ATNoā€™s ISO, the tie vote comes back to mind. Yes, the story seemed plausible at the time, but maybe it was a mistake to accept it. Maybe it was just what it looked like on the surface, a successful attempt to save Appel at the last minute. Then the PKR vote could definitely be a bus to keep ATNo from being voted plus give him town cred. They could have agreed that ATNo had the better chance of continuing forward. PKR talked about being too busy. The bus then leads to the momentum towards Gorta that ATNo has been arguing was inevitable and shouldnā€™t have been hindered.

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This is good discussion. @ATNoName any retorts?

Considering another area, though, if we think Wind did a suicide convert, and we think that the person converted would likely display a noticeable change, I would actually feel that EVO seems more different than previous days than ATNo does. EVO seems more involved in facilitating conversation and solving. Now of course this could simply be because this is F3/Lylo. But that thought did come to my mind. Again though, Iā€™m so convinced of a suicide convert by Wind.

*Iā€™m not so convinced

In fact, if EVO had been this way previous days, I would have probably been more inclined to TR him.

I was reading through Umineko, where Appel was a wolf. I noticed that she pretty much put all her 3 wolf buddies in her PoE. I was a little surprised by that since I assumed sheā€™d at least TR one.

Then in this game, her initial PoE had PKR as town. Marl (ATNoā€™s slot) was also town. Everyone else, including EVO, was null, which is basically her PoE.

Then when pressed a bit for her PoE, she has put PKR there. EVO is still there. Marl is still town then.

Another PoE later still with both PKR and EVO. Just the question mark was removed off EVO.

It wasnā€™t until after the ATNo tie vote that she starts SRing him. And this could be seen as an opportunistic read going along with consensus. Especially as we discussed, this ended up being a weird read from her position since that tie vote saved her and it was V/V wagons.

Then for her final post when it is inevitable that sheā€™s caught and canā€™t do anything, she drops the pretense of SRing ATNo and doesnā€™t include him in her final PoE. Just EVO and PKR.

I get the impression that Appel likes to distance from wolf partners. So I find it weird that she would start off her reads by including both partners (PKR and Marl) as town. It is more likely that sheā€™d at least include one in her PoE (EVO). And then she moves PKR down into the PoE to distance from him also. And her final PoE still includes both as a possible way to spew them town?

This leans me towards thinking Marl wasnā€™t wolf at that time. Was he a later convert? N5 was Uni and N6 was Wind. If I stick with the logic that Appel wouldnā€™t TR both her wolf partners, then I would have to think Uni was the likely suicide convert.

As a caveat, I know looking at meta is bad. And itā€™s possible that Appel decided to go with a different approach this game and start with TRs on both partners. But it was a thought experiment while I was going through her ISO this game and the Umineko one.

BTW, I meant ā€œWas that slot a later convert?ā€

Though thinking about this, ATNo had no noticeable change between D5 and D6. On D5, he already hinted at Gorta being his next push and followed through with that D6.

Wind's post about T!Gorta
Whysper's post about Town Gorta

Didnā€™t really mention any possibilities in her post.

Ok, so I was wrong, Wind was hesitating about T!Gorta possibilities while Whysper straight up didnā€™t vote.

I mean, the whole hesitation thing was made during the night when I was questioning ā€œhow would a wolf leave any indication of TMIā€. If anything, it was part of my re-evaluation. Iā€™m still confident that EVO isnā€™t a starting wolf. Preventing the possibility of convert is good, but when it happens, thatā€™s where we have to accept the reality of it.

I mentioned EVO as a possibility somewhere before Gorta latched on to him for the thunderdome of sorts.

I didnā€™t vote because it was getting too close to hammer. And even though I was hesitating, I would have likely voted for Gorta anyway since I still saw him more likely scum over EVO at the time.

I was noticing part of this post that ATNo quoted from Wind. If Wind was indeed wolf and did the convert, I think this also shows how they viewed ATNo as the best to survive Lylo.

Could also be you considering you were spewed town.

Actually this also contradicts my original thoughts on this scenario being best for W!ATNo. From this, maybe keeping Wind actually would have been good.

I hadnā€™t originally noticed this from Wind.

I need to take care of some stuff, but seeing this is making me rethink some earlier thoughts from today. So I need to go over them again.

LMFAO whysper if you are town Holy shit

There are too many variables that affect this shit, and meta reads are unreliable. Especially when the game started with using alts.

Whysper you are giving me some rollercoaster emotions this day :upside_down_face:

You said the opposite yesterday.