So Wahooz just came out with a video which I think addresses this perfectly. This is also in line with some other topics that a glance down the suggestion page will come up with, such as this one, as well as Orange’s idea for whispers. Clearly some players do have a problem with whispers.
I think the main problem with whispers right now is that everyone is whispering the king. So the king has all the information, nobody actually talks or reveals info to the room at large (usually), and as a byproduct of this, new players have an even harder time learning the game.
Seriously, imagine how it feels to be new right now. You’re sitting there trying to think what’s going on, then it’s like:
whisper whisper whisper
“oh, we’re putting up 14 I guess.”
whisper whisper
“k we’re pardoning I guess…”
whisper whisper whisper
“now we’re putting up 5…”
whisper… whisper whisper
“uh ok… executing…”
more whispering
And let’s not forget the super fun situation of actually BEING the king as a new player. Executed for being “evil”, anyone? I’m convinced I wouldn’t want all this information from people even if I actually knew the game.
In addition to this, if you don’t whisper the king your role by day 3-4 at the latest, you’re automatically considered suspicious. I’ve actually seen a few people be accused of gamethrowing because they didn’t whisper the king their role, got executed, and were BD.
And, last but not least, everyone whispering the king their roles (and automatically being considered suspicious if they don’t) really ruins the chances you have as an evil/NK role. Once you claim a class, you have no choice but to stick with it. You better hope the class you’re claiming don’t both die, because you already told the king that’s what you were.
Lastly… I just don’t think it’s fun to have to whisper the king roles. It removes a lot of the figuring it out day by day since it’s all just written in the king’s logs and he’s telling certain people who’s who anyway. I think it would be much more fun if, like Wahooz suggests, you couldn’t whisper the king until like day 4 or something.