[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Answer flicker

i know who i dont want to vote but i dont know who i want to vote

Before I went to sleep I said I’d get to it in the morning when my brain was working again ;p

However I’m kinda down to just sheep what the people with meta have been saying about you and I do agree that your string of posts around this time feel rather villagery

I’m pretty bad on following through when it comes to ISO-dives and the like
I feel like a shitter for constantly saying I’m going to do something then getting sidetracked or lazy but it be what it be

Okay onto the Wazza read

I’m only acknowleging this so you can see how your reasonings are really bad and try to change that for the future
Consider it a learning moment

Also sorry for the passive-aggressiveness. I’m trying hard not to, but this really is a FoL moment

Okay, to start off
The post you’re quoting yet again isn’t pocketey and is instead just a legitimate thoughtdump of mine regarding his slot
I know how to pocket people. I do it often!
I wasn’t talking to him, I wasn’t complementing him, I wasn’t doing anything that can be considered pocketey and if you’re reading these posts and coming to the conclusion that I’m pocketing Conroy then that’s the first sign that you’re going into my ISO with a conclusion in mind, and even though you dropped it as it has no merit, you should be aware that what you’re saying here doesn’t make sense in the first place

Read this article and educate yourself on what exactly ‘playing by PoE’ means, please

When I say that I’m playing by PoE I mean that I’m using the method of starting with the entire playerlist, and pulling players out and into a pool of townreads as i find them as villagers, which leaves behind a clump of players who are the most likely to be wolves by Process of Elimination (PoE)

I feel as if this is a PoE game since the thread felt rather villager for a long while, I had solid reasons to townread quite a few people, there was nobody I was truly scumreading, I don’t feel confident in my abilities to scumhunt currently (after Ciconia), and I don’t plan on taking a leader position this game.

The thing you’re referencing in this paragraph has nothing to do with PoE but is instead self-preservation, which I don’t care about. I’m never dying today (and admittedly one of the smaller reasons I think you’re town is that you’d be more aware of this fact as a wolf - I can obvtown myself if it comes to it) so I have no Anybody But Me instincts.

I have no reason to believe this game isn’t as easy as it seems until we chop through the players who are doing nothing. If the game doesn’t end (or get close to it) then it gets harder
But until then I’m not worried

I mean
I’m currently voting the person in my PoE who I think is most likely to flip scum and have made it pretty clear that pigeon has dropped low in my reads and is incredibly underwhelming

I’m not extremely confident to the point where I would thunderdome the guy but I am fairly sure he’s a wolf

This is literally not scum-indicative
If anything it’s town-indicative but I don’t care to get into self-meta

I change my mind a lot, and I happened to change my mind there
My reasonings are pretty clear in the thread and I’m not going to explain my mindset for the umpteenth time

I actually don’t understand what you’re saying here lol

I don’t consider pigeon’s Ciconia d1 to come from town. He was a wolf

What I’m saying is that his behavior in this game at that moment in time was nothing like his behavior in Ciconia - regardless of d1 or d2. It felt completely different

Townreading someone isn’t pocketing them
The way a townread is formed and presented can be, if your goal is to appeal directly to that person and get them on your good side
I wasn’t doing that and I can’t tell if you think the word pocket means something that it doesn’t mean, or if you’re genuinely seeing things that don’t exist

And “especially coming from a player who’s good at this”
I will say, once again, that I am not, and do not plan, on tryharding this game
I want a chill game where I can sit back and not lead and not put in a ton of effort unless it’s necessary

So there you go

Literally all of your reasons minus “Chloe isn’t doing much,” which I can see as a valid reason to not townread me, are moot
And I hope you learned something today

Going to catch up now

ah fuck day end is like right when i wake up
so i need to decide my final vote now

i think thats the most passive aggressive thing i’ve posted in a very long time and the amount of smugness i feel right now is insane

but now the guilt is creeping in


^ This looks like where he stopped behaving like he did.

Behold, now I’ll focus on him reading me.

^ He looks like he understands Alice, Chloe, LiLi’s mom in her wolfchat but then drops on me and Pigeon zzzzz.

^ I don’t like this post because he actually didn’t let ME develop, why? And then he continues to comment on Psyx comments defending Vul, what the heck?

He sticks with the logic that 0 posters should be killed but doesn’t stay with the idea of letting people develop :sparkles: Was me not saying I’m going to sleep convincing enough or something?

Isn’t that a bit of a weak reasoning? Of course I would go away if I need to go to sleep, I really appreciate getting my sleepy time, thank you.

And he seems to understanding of the other slots but complete closed on mine, I really need more reasoning behind this.

What the hell is this? He literally wasn’t so “I don’t care” from the beginning and he would provide more reasoning into things while giving his thoughts and prayers on certain stuff, but he doesn’t do it with me because I’m god forbid A 0 POSTER, GASP.

From doing this ISO.

  • He lets other people develop but goes harsh on 0-posters even if I said I’ve gone to sleep.
  • He’s trying to worldbuild in the beginning and gives his opinions on stuff he believes, but stopped doing this late Day 1.
  • He’s very closed beyond giving anymore tips, reasonings or what he believes in when he votes me.

What? It is?

Oh geez, time for everyone to sheep me and then argue with “He sus beginning duh”

it’s at 5 pm my time yeah

Hmm, what makes ya think LiLi’s posts are villagery?

Are you able to give me any advice right now considering I will get thunderclapped?

Oh hey Chloe, you seem to have so much strategy to give but yet you have doubts about yaself, how come?

I mean for the rest of your read, I can’t comprehend quite properly because I don’t know the context very well.

6 be writting like

@Chloe every single time we kill a low effort player, one of our obvious towns will die, regardless of their flip. We BOTH know that low efforting (or in phraze’s case not even showing up) is not always wolf indicative, it is basically rand

Whoever we decide to vote i want to have an actual case for
Playing by PoE is fine and all but i dont think it’s going to win when this game is full of sharks

If we end up voting pigeon i want more of a case than just ‘is low efforting’
like compare his last two games
Ciconia and PJO

convince us he’s a wolf if you find something to lead you to that concusion

Sharks and Silviu
Jaws 3

Uh yeah, I don’t kind of agree with this metaread.

Thing is, Ruri’s never getting nightkilled at this rate, and given how many players I townread, I think she might be a wolf by gamestate.

Who are you to tell me what I find to be pockety and what I don’t? You’re the one making the post, do you genuinely believe you’re just going to full on admit ”Yeah, I was trying to pocket him!”

And you’re going to just admit you were pocketing someone during a game?

I found it to be pockety, it’s inference and based on your attitude mixed with the intent of the post, I felt like it didn’t make much sense to come from a Town to talk about their townread, but now that I know about the threadstate because let I remind you I was a fucking replacement and haven’t read everything, I now realise why posts like these were made so frequently.

No need to be a dick, I was trying to be calm this game so I’m not in the mood for this sort of thing. I’m not some “FM Master” who has read every single thing that’s been made like you are.

Chloe, I’ve been on this website and I’ve been playing FM for almost 3 years, I know what playing by PoE is as it’s the most frequent thing I just use, process of elimination is a thing but I misunderstood what you meant by “PoE Player”, what I thought you meant was that you were a player who is frequently in the PoE.

I find this to be unjust, you can’t just pick and choose a bunch of players and think you’re correct and have little to no worries about being incorrect. You’re acting how Conroy did earlier, you can’t just push your possible failures aside for a later date.

Didn’t you say you were going to give him a chance to pick himself up and actually contribute? I’ve read your posts but that’s the only reason I can tell for you voting him.

Thunderdoming people is dumb anyway, me and Vulgard in Ciconia is a good example.

From my experience with you being scum (which isn’t much might I add) it’s more scum indicative for you to publicly show your unsureness about your vote consistently, most of it being unprompted.

Pigeon was mostly in his townmeta throughout D1 of Ciconia at least to my knowledge, what I was basically saying is that if you were reading him meta wise, you’d think he was town in that game, and if you thought he was town via meta there, have that lack off meta isn’t a point in his favour.

To me, it felt more like a bashed repeat of “I townread this, I townread that”, of course like I stated above I hadn’t read the thread so I had no idea what state this game was in townread wise, so my thoughts just make me think “Wow, there are way too many townreads and way too little scumreads coming from this player” which I’d suspect anyone for, not just you considering you’re a good player. I don’t plan on tryharding this game either, hell I didn’t plan on being here or trying at all, but I got nothing better to do.

I will say, I’m not planning on being aggressive or a dick towards you or anyone this game, so don’t be it towards me, I can understand getting annoyed but avoid the passive aggressiveness as much as you can, it annoys me more than an outburst towards me.

holy hell wallposting on phone is hard

0 posters will be replaced, we are not voting them vulgard