Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Never :slight_smile:

ah, i will do so i see this is wise
if caution is not kept after many tries
the furries shall soon start to rise
and in the end they’ll win the prize

That takes effort though.

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I mean, Marshal basically mind melded with me when it came to my idea for the word bank so in my eyes I think Marsh is good.

I don’t think we should read based off people wanting too code speech

WiM/effort isn’t really a good way to read a lot of players unless hard preconfigured notions exist

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derps is right


If I was Mafia my word I would have chosen would have been “Meta”.

I’ll mostly try to cover standard FM words as those are most likely targets

I was under the impression you just copied Marshal.

I respect your ableness identifying alignment. I will not attempt to coax you in to optimal play more, but I think you should think about it.

I swear if the word is actually Meta I’ma just be raging.

You say this like my death isn’t +EV as I am hard to read

I’ll be mad someone stole my idea.

We literally posted at almost the same time.
Also, I posted earlier than I wanted.
My idea was to go back and say what everyone else had done so thus far in order.

… Please die


meta was actually the curse in the Before
then of course, you know the rest
i was blown up, there was much gore
clearly…i was not at my best

No you didn’t lol.

ismarshalbeingpocketed.exe has continued working