Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

You say
“I’m a new player”
“No, don’t hurt me!!!”

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While we’re on the topic of alts, I want alt speculation to be allowed in spec chat since spec chat isn’t the game.


I dont think alt speculation shld be allowed at all in thread and we should be more strict about it not less. Problem now is theres a rule to not speculate but it’s not properly enforced.

Why do people feel the need to? Are you incapable of reading anyone without meta?

Once it is super clear you shouldn’t spec about alts people will stop I hope.


we should ban reads

why do people feel need to have reads when you can just solve with mechanics

Except then you run into situations such as those Astand and Mole have brought up

  • It’s frustrating to have people alt and then be obvious but not ever actually just out so you can’t talk about it

  • It’s very frustrating to be in scum chat and know who somebody is but have it be explicitly impossible to discuss that

  • It’s incredibly frustrating to have somebody pull metareads on you that you can neither reciprocate nor validate because you don’t know who they are (and works against the “force players to not use meta” point too)

And I don’t see any way to fix those without trying to excessively police player behavior which in turn harms the game.

Nuke alts so everyone shuts the fuck up about it

This is my new stance

I think alts are cool and potentially salvegable but there will be people who bitch about it regardless and will keep bitching about them existing so just get rid of them because there will never be a compromise

to be clear

I’m more than open to changing my mind if people suggest changes that would override my concerns

That hasn’t happened for me yet but that doesn’t mean it can’t and if you have any ideas I would genuinely love to hear them

Allow public speculation but encourage people to play within the spirit of alts.

Alting has brought me things I don’t really think I could have done on main. I don’t want to lose that.

It’s okay to know who someone is and have their established wolf and villa ranges in mind.

Alts can let someone try out a new playstyle or posting style without the burden of being themselves. Sometimes you want to play in a way that’s different from what you are known as.

I am simultaniously treated as a bad player and someone who has to townlead. A new account allowed me to not have to townlead (or get wolfread for "not being aggresive / not living up to potential) and have people actually respect my reads more and address them based off of argument vs. “oh it’s marshal”

It’s annoying and I dislike both

And alting helped me at least try out playing in a more serious and support manner.

There’s a balance between understanding who someone is while still respecting their posts strictly inside of the game

But I’m not going to argue for the system. Even if I convince you there will be lots of people who are like “alts are inherently bad and have no merit and you suck for using one fuck you us amazing normal players are being oppressed by the alternative accountz!!!”

And I strongly think they will say that even if the system is changed heavily

So I think it’s better to avoid a slow painful death of alts and 500 posts of complaining instead of just killing them.

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Most of you really suck at being fun to play with while alting

That’s literally my main take-away from all the alts I’ve played with on here, half the alts are people who alt just feel very disconnected from the game while being very obvious for the most part and it’s simply not fun to play with you guys when you do this

I’m not asking for everyone to come up with le funny typing style or whatever because I hate that too but like yeah

ensuring people keep within the spirit of alts is probably the most important takeaway regardless of what changes get made

goes both ways though, with the people alting and the people playing with them

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That I can certainly agree with

If you’re going to operate in a way where you can’t be metaread, maybe you also shouldn’t start pushing mainly metareads lmao

I do agree that most alts are kinda dogshit stupid and end up being a shiny new nickname or a gimmick that like halves your actual content.

Solution isn’t wipe them.

I probably could have like 300posted on santa if I wanted to but I literally had to cross reference all of my posts to look like alice and it meant my actual content sucked

I didn’t care because I was wolf and 2 accs destroyed any reason to hide the alt in the first place when I could just benefit from the 2 styles

But like some gimmicks make the posts actively more fluffed or harder to read

if nothing changes I’ll creat an alt called DefinitelyNotApprentice and play like me while reporting anyone who uses meta on me glgl

nvm I definitely don’t care enough to do this

You already

did this joke I think @NotAnApprenticeAlt

oh yeah I did haha

I didn’t play on it though

I take everything back
people just need to not be bitches when alting and use it as a meta shield


geyde wtf