Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appel Arete 1/3
Arete Appel 1/3
[Not Voting] gorta, cheese

Day 6 ends at 2020-10-15T08:00:00Z

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appel Arete 1/3
Aretel Appel 1/3
[Not Voting] gorta, cheese

always more aggressive than appel
in most worlds i know

@an_gorta_pratai can you come here?


I think fundamentally

the thing I’m asking you to consider

is whether, as scum, I would hard-bus both my teammates for no reason, have my second teammate harddefend my first teammate, proceed to tell the second teammate to townread me as I was bussing him, intentionally kill off everyone townreading or listening to me, and deliberately leave alive the people who suspected me, all in the hopes that they would reevaluate in LyLo despite the fact that they pretty much hadn’t reevaluated all game

and when I phrase it like that, it sounds loaded – but, it kind of is loaded, because I think the answer to it is obvious


this close

to voting on coinflip


I want Gorta to show up so that I can know for sure if I was right on Appel or not :upside_down_face:

Arete ily but
If you’re not a wolf
I’ll be really sad

You are not Seth
Stop tunneling :newspaper_roll:

votes are locked, if both of us are villagers I do not think there is a way town can win

why are you speaking to me as if you know I’m a villager

unloaded question:

I would hard-bus both my teammates

sure why not

second teammate harddefend my first teammate

second teammate townread me as I was bussing him

really can’t control doofus teammates, can you?

kill off everyone townreading or listening to me, and deliberately leave alive the people who suspected me

as previously noted, NKA is useless

all in the hopes that they would reevaluate in LyLo

if this is actual then well you’re doing a great job

Answer to question is “sure why not”

compared to

“Does Appel go through and analyze everyone when we’re at MyLo

answer there being “eeeehhhhhh maybe?”

one’s a little stronger than the other

current thoughts


How do you make that conclusion when my post literally implicates you’re a wolf. Aaa

A take: this is what literally everyone should do, when they’re not going for a nocuddle.

it’s not, not really

like, people on this site use it way more than is really a good idea (generally by assuming that people’s scumreads are more accurate than they are)

but fundamentally, wolves make kills that make sense for them

and killing Leafia is not a kill that makes sense for wolf!Arete literally ever


“make sense” is a relative term

k-level shennaniganery


That half of the post exists

The second half of the post also exists

@an_gorta_pratai I’m sorry for pinging you but can you come here and vote. If you’re a wolf, the game is over.

all three of you probably have triplevote

so my vote won’t matter, only gorta’s would

feelsbadman ._.