DGADT FM - Wazza & Apprentice

Please submit quotes where you believe a claim happened.

I don’t know them, Apprentice knows them so if you can wait for em, it would be appreciated :ok_hand:



HAHAHHA take that

  1. Seeing the actino that happened last night
    I was probably targetted N1 by Rolecop

  2. The fact scum used their ability on me definetly makes me think they checked me N1 or just gambled on me

  3. We live in a world where DGRH dies tonight probably

  4. Them using ability on me clearing shows they were aiming for DG

Those were some of the posts where he makes it really obvious he’s claiming RHM. But idk if it’s enough to vig

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Please quote the posts directly

yeah I’m just discussing with Wazza first sry

Give me a moment.

Nothing wrong with trying.

I can go ahead and submit those quotes if you want

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/kill Centuries

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@Marshal? Response?

He was also saying he was completely useless earlier and that the shot wasn’t his ability but hm

All actions up to this point have been processed.

I’ll say that this could be for a few reasons, either Centuries is not a Right Hand Man, we did not find the evidence provided to be enough, or the shot, for whatever reason, failed despite being accurate.

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I doubt a daykill can be prevented but cheers anyway

Marshal if someone claims to be completely useless and is RHM would that be enough or can you not tell me that?

I cannot disclose what evidence would substantiate a succesful shot.

If all goes wrong and both Kyo and Leafia end up flipping, I’m claiming an Inquisitor type class to try and save both our lives.

Basically I’m going to say I need to live to see all Right Hand Mans die.

@Marshal Can I still choose to attack Centuries if I give more evidence and he actually is RHM?

You may do so

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