Forum Wrestling Federation (FM) (5/21) - Faces and The Manager win!

Probably sequences* wow autocorrect XD

Ayy hes here!

What do you think of Alice saying Livicusā€™ self meta is a townslip

So whoā€™s having wrestling match at the moment?

Iā€™ve seen it about 50/50. Itā€™s worth evaluating but there is a general correspondence with age of players means less likely to be genuine.


What is your wrestler name?

I think Livicus is town and if itā€™s a slip or not I read him as town.

Livicusā€™ reaction shows that he did not know that injury here is a thing. At this rate Iā€™m quite sure heā€™s not the shooter and heā€™s most likely either town or a neut that doesnā€™t interact with injuries.

I donā€™t care about Livicus rn, what do you think of Alice calling it a townslip?

Me and Baz.
Iā€™m winning.
Join the winning side by voting Baz :wink:

Vote count will be nice

It follows the same pattern of qualifying words. Here is another ā€œMayā€. It generally just follows the same pattern.



Name one thing you can say truthfully without a conditional word Alice.

This is Signature vote yes?

Lynch vote


Btw last time officially, just wanted to pop back in.

Signatures votes are done at the start of D2 and so on every other day.

Iā€™m embarassed to mention this, but Iā€™ll confess. Itā€™s more about indicating player-relations rather than alignment.

Iā€™m somewhat intimidated by your town-play so when Iā€™m in a match with you my confidence levels drop to oblivion. See my confidence level in N&G before you subbed in.

Hereā€™s my last post before you subbed in.

And here are my confidence levels afterwards.

In short, your presence keeps my ego in check. Thatā€™s basically the open truth here.

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Ok this is the most self metaish post Iā€™ve ever seen :eyes:

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