SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Bishop

Cult Investigative
Dark Crown (Day) - Upon being elected for king you’ll have 1 vote extra.
Peer Gaze (Day) - At the end of the night, learn if a flip has been tampered with and by which class - 1 Use.
Eye of the Gods (Night) - Select a Class type and player if that player is that class type you’ll learn their class - 2 Uses.
Interrogate (Night) - Target any number of players and declare a class name. You will learn if any of those players are that class (but not whom) - 2 Uses.

Defeat the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Memesky and all neutrals who wish to inflict you harm.

Whatever number 1000 is


Mithras Ritualist

Cult Support

Mithras’ Protection: If your Cult Leader is attacked tonight, you will be given the option to give up your life in order to keep them alive. Healable if the attack is, other than that similar to a Knight defend but won’t kill the attacker

Mithras’ Will: (1 Use) Chose a player and mark them for one night, if they are converted this night your Cult leader can decide what class type they will convert into. Not usable D1

Copy(sorry for shot names): (3 Use) Select target dead BD and copy a random non-killer ability

Blood swap:(1 Use) Swap or alter any invest results on target cult player. Can target self
Mithras’ Strength:(1 Use) The Cult is occupy and redirect immune tonight
((Name is whatever ability last copied): (Has 1-0 uses) Use your copied ability Can only hold one ability at a time, copied abilities are one shot use, start the game with random abilitie

Defeat the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Memesky and all neutrals who wish to inflict you harm.


Jeff Probst

Neutral Social
”The Tribe Has Spoken”
The Tribe Has Spoken (Passive)-If you are the hammer vote on a player, you get a vig during the twilight phase. This counts as snuffing a torch
Digging Deep (Passive)-Immune to redirection and occupation
Tonight, That’s Enough (Day Ability)-If a player is at the point where there are not enough votes to hammer them if no votes are placed or switched to them. You can snuff their torch, lynching them and ending the day (1 use)
If anybody has a hidden immunity idol…(Night)-Plant a hidden immunity, it is up to the hosts to decide how it is gotten. The idol functions as a standard night vest.
Snuff 3 torches through the course of the game


The Seraph

Neutral Support

Watchful Protector (Passive): At the start of the game, you will be given the names of two players in the game. These two players are your divine disciples and they could be any classes or alignments that are NOT a part of the Blue Dragon faction.

Transcendent (Passive): All of your limited use abilities can also be used while dead. In addition, you gain an additional use of each ability upon your own death.

Purge (Day): Remove any negative status ailments affecting one of your divine disciples (2 uses).

Martyr (Day): Sacrifice yourself to be lynched in place of a divine disciple. (1 use). Upon your death, you gain 1 use of an alternate version of this ability which will lynch an alternative target of your choosing in place of a divine disciple when a divine disciple is set to die via lynch, in exchange for losing all uses of the rest of your abilities.

Holy Protectorate (Night): Prevent any visits to a divine disciple that incur any kind of negative effect on the disciple, with the visit (2 uses).

Sacred Intervention (Night): Provide unstoppable death immunity to all divine disciples alive for the night (1 use).

Win condition: Conclude the game with at least one divine disciple alive.


Chad Valakhad

Neutral Offensive

“The name’s Chaaaad Valakhaaaad and I know what you’re thinking. How the hell did the divines bless one man with such beauty? Well, I couldn’t tell you. But what I can do is allow you to bask in my glorious presence. Go ahead! It’s all free for you, my adoring fans.”

Asshole (Passive) - All heals and protections on you from other players will fail.

Perfume of Bewitching (Day) - Spray copious amounts of perfume on yourself, guaranteeing that people will visit you tonight. [2 uses]

Charm Person (Night) - Redirect a target to yourself. [∞ uses]
Dissonant Whispers (Night) - Target a player, if they attack you tonight, it will fail. [1 use]
Be visited by 5 different players over the course of the game.

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Neutral “Good”/Support

Passive - by the skin of your teeth - you are night immune the first time you are attacked* and are not otherwise protected. you will be told when this activates, and it can activate only once.

day 1 - make your [night 1’s name] night ability swap from protecting against occupy to being against redirection, or vice versa - inf
day 2 - Only for this SFoL! - give yourself night immunity tonight. you will not be told if this blocks an attack. will trigger before your passive if both are active - 2 uses****

night 1 - [name tbd] - target player will have redirection occupy immunity tonight - inf
night 2 - Scarlet Potion - Heal a player, protecting them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. can only be used while your passive has not triggered*****- 3 uses :crown:

Survive or see the unseen/cult fail


*i just mean a one-time death immunity like i think mm has. i just forget how thats worded.
****the purpose of this ability is to give them some survivability. normally their survivability would come from scum thinking they’re an alch they can work with.
*****to go along with that, i dont want to make them too strong with town, as that would make them an easy target for scum, so i made the fake-claim heal work only before they’re found out, or for not long after. if timed right, they can use their day ability to extend the time frame for which it works

Post 417

Vel`Koz :shield::fire::crossed_swords:
Neutral Killer
Knowledge Through, Disintegration

Gatherer of Knowledge (Passive): Your hunger for knowledge is insatiable, and unending. You are immune to occupation, redirection, and Death.
Organic Deconstruction (Passive): You must gather knowledge on all primitives. Every ability you use will apply a mark of Research onto the target. Once atleast 5 individuals have a mark, you can use Life Form Disintegration Ray. Your targets will not know they were marked.
Void Rift (Day): You open a rift to the Void. The person you target will be marked. if used twice on the same person, you will kill them. (4 Uses)
Plasma Fission (Night): You fire a Plasma bolt at your target, Attacking them. both the target, and the player above them and below them on the player list are marked. (Infinite Use)
Tetonic Disruption (Night): You open a disruptive anomaly upon your target, attacking them. You occupy the target and the player above and below them on the player list, and apply a mark to all 3. (1 use.)
Life Form Disintegration Ray (Night or Day): Once five different players are marked, You fire Out your Disintegration Ray, attacking all marked players, going through all immunites and effects. If done in the day, it will be publicly announced. (1 Use)
You Must Research All players (Regular NK wincon)

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418 (If this class is rolled, add Seymour Skinner to the rolelist if he isn’t rolled already)

Superintendent Gary Chalmers

Neutral Investigative
From Utica (Passive) - You are immune to redirection, occupation, and other abilities that might prevent you from reaching your target.
SEYMOUR!!! (Day) - Prevent Seymour Skinner from using Steamed Clams! today if they haven’t used it already. - 1 Use.
They’re Obviously Grilled (Night) - Visit someone tonight and find out if they’re Seymour Skinner or not. - Infinite Uses.
Aurora Borealis?! (Night) - If the person you visit tonight is Seymour Skinner, reset their Unforgettable Luncheon passive and add one more day to it. - 1 Use.
Prevent Seymour Skinner from finishing his roast before the end of the game.




Blue Dragon Killer

Load Projectile (Passive) - At the end of every odd day, gain one use in an ability of your choice.

Launch Payload (Day) - Kill a player. Their flip and logs with not be shown due to being crushed under a 90kg projectile. - 0 Use

Explosive Ammo (Night) - Kill all visitors to a player of your choice. This does not stop any abilities from taking place. Only usable on odd nights. - Infinite Uses

Defeat the scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.


Deranged Fan

“I love you. Hehe.”
Neutral Investigative
Stalker (Passive) - At the start of the day, you are arranged an idol which can be any non-killing or offensive class. Anyone that targets you with a night ability will fail. Any actions that target your idol will be redirected to you.
Stalker (Passive) - Your visit is hidden. You will always be shown as visiting your idol.
Stalk (Day) - Tonight, you will be night and occupy immune. 3 uses.
Stalk (Night) - Investigate a player. His class’ pairing will be sent to you and your idol. Infinite uses.
Stalk (Night) - Tonight, kill everyone that visits your idol bypassing immunity. 1 use.

Your objective is to be ensure your idol survive to the end of the game… or lynched with you as the accuser.


We already have Town classes in the thread, so I assumed I could make them too. ‘Converting’ them to BD shouldn’t be a big deal, and as far as I understand, they can still be converted to Unseen/Cult; they just retain their abilities if it’s Unseen, which is fine. Also, I’m sure I saw classes with only one ability in this thread before. :thinking:
Fweh, why do you remove my ideas. REeeeeeeeeeeeeee-


The Memelord

Neutral Special
Lord of the Memes (Passive) - You may use both night abilities during the same night.
Lolreactiontest (Day) - Quote a player’s response to a post you wrote and guess their alignment in the thread. If you guess correctly, the player’s alignment will be privately revealed to you.
CFD Time (Day) - Your next vote will secretly count as three. (2 uses)
RNGod (Night) - Use a random number generator to choose a player to target. You may check their alignment, bypassing frames and tailors; occupy them, bypassing occupation immunity; redirect them, bypassing redirection immunity; or attack them. If you kill a player using this ability, their cause of death will be revealed tomorrow as ‘The Plague’.
We’re All Masons Now (Night) - Instantly create a neighborhood day/night chat between you and a player of your choice. You may add an infinite number of players to this chat, but only one per night. Dead players will be removed from the chat.
Gather at least 40 likes among your posts in the thread (20 in turbos). If you gather more, you win the game harder.


The Tutor

Blue Dragon Investigative
Educate (Day) - Send a player an anonymous message under 1000 characters. They will not know who sent it or which class sent it.
Too Much Information (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be an instance of TMI (Too Much Information). At the end of the night, you will visit that player and learn if the TMI was legitimate. If the TMI was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s alignment.
Scumslip Verification (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a scumslip. At the end of the night, you will visit that player and learn if the scumslip was legitimate. If the scumslip was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s alignment.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Counselor or The Seeker.

The Counselor

Unseen Investigative
Counsel (Day) - Send a player an anonymous message under 1000 characters. They will not know who sent it or which class sent it.
PR Hunting (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a PR soft (a post which mildly suggests that player’s class is an important class aligned with the Blue Dragon). You instantly learn if the soft was legitimate. If it was legitimate, you also learn that player’s class.
Neutral Hunting (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a Neutral soft or claim. You instantly learn if the soft or claim was legitimate. If it was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s class.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The Scout
Blue Dragon Investigative

Notice (Day) - Learn the faction(s) that visits the player during this night, You’ll only learn if one member of the same faction visits not multiple - Infinite.
Survey (Night) - Learn if target player has visited a person who has died on the same night - Infinite.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Cute Kouhai

“Konbanwa, Senpai!”
Blue Dragon Support
Cute Little Kouhai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Call (Night) - Give your Senpai a nice call. Protect your target from occupation and healing tonight. Infinite uses.
Adorable Memos (Night) - Send a 50 words letter to a target. The target can use the memo to send a 50 words letter to another target. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert into Naughty Kouhai or Innocent Kouhai



Naughty Kouhai

"A-ah. Senpai… let me makes you feel more comfortable… "
Unseen Offensive
Cute Little Kouhai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Visit (Night) - Give your Senpai a night visit. Prevent your target from being healed, investigated, and bled tonight. Infinite uses.
Senpai’s Diary (Night) - Prevent target’s class and last will from being revealed in the event of their death. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cute Kouhai

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Innocent Kouhai

"S-stop! I can’t think clearly anymore… "
Cult Offensive
Cute Little Sacrifice (Passive) - To investigative, you are shown as a Blue Dragon.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Exercise (Night) - Give yourself to Mithras. Visit three different targets. If any of the targets visit one another tonight, kill them both and yourself. 3 uses.
Survivor Testimony (Night) - Prevent any member of the cults from dying tonight. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cute Kouhai

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Cool Senpai

“Yo, Kouhai.”
Blue Dragon Killer
Cool Famous Senpai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Paragon Smile! (Day) - Greet the world with a dashing smile. Kill a player. If you kill a member of Blue Dragon, you will lose Paragon Smile!. 0 use.
Late Night Chill (Night) - Visit a player. If you visit the same target as a member of evil factions or Neutral Killer, gain a use of Paragon Smile!. Infinite uses.
Omiai (Night) - Hide in another person’s house. You will be night immune tonight. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert into Violent Senpai or Deranged Senpai

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