SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Deranged Fan

“I love you. Hehe.”
Neutral Investigative
Stalker (Passive) - At the start of the day, you are arranged an idol which can be any non-killing or offensive class. Anyone that targets you with a night ability will fail. Any actions that target your idol will be redirected to you.
Stalker (Passive) - Your visit is hidden. You will always be shown as visiting your idol.
Stalk (Day) - Tonight, you will be night and occupy immune. 3 uses.
Stalk (Night) - Investigate a player. His class’ pairing will be sent to you and your idol. Infinite uses.
Stalk (Night) - Tonight, kill everyone that visits your idol bypassing immunity. 1 use.

Your objective is to be ensure your idol survive to the end of the game… or lynched with you as the accuser.


We already have Town classes in the thread, so I assumed I could make them too. ‘Converting’ them to BD shouldn’t be a big deal, and as far as I understand, they can still be converted to Unseen/Cult; they just retain their abilities if it’s Unseen, which is fine. Also, I’m sure I saw classes with only one ability in this thread before. :thinking:
Fweh, why do you remove my ideas. REeeeeeeeeeeeeee-


The Memelord

Neutral Special
Lord of the Memes (Passive) - You may use both night abilities during the same night.
Lolreactiontest (Day) - Quote a player’s response to a post you wrote and guess their alignment in the thread. If you guess correctly, the player’s alignment will be privately revealed to you.
CFD Time (Day) - Your next vote will secretly count as three. (2 uses)
RNGod (Night) - Use a random number generator to choose a player to target. You may check their alignment, bypassing frames and tailors; occupy them, bypassing occupation immunity; redirect them, bypassing redirection immunity; or attack them. If you kill a player using this ability, their cause of death will be revealed tomorrow as ‘The Plague’.
We’re All Masons Now (Night) - Instantly create a neighborhood day/night chat between you and a player of your choice. You may add an infinite number of players to this chat, but only one per night. Dead players will be removed from the chat.
Gather at least 40 likes among your posts in the thread (20 in turbos). If you gather more, you win the game harder.


The Tutor

Blue Dragon Investigative
Educate (Day) - Send a player an anonymous message under 1000 characters. They will not know who sent it or which class sent it.
Too Much Information (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be an instance of TMI (Too Much Information). At the end of the night, you will visit that player and learn if the TMI was legitimate. If the TMI was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s alignment.
Scumslip Verification (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a scumslip. At the end of the night, you will visit that player and learn if the scumslip was legitimate. If the scumslip was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s alignment.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Counselor or The Seeker.

The Counselor

Unseen Investigative
Counsel (Day) - Send a player an anonymous message under 1000 characters. They will not know who sent it or which class sent it.
PR Hunting (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a PR soft (a post which mildly suggests that player’s class is an important class aligned with the Blue Dragon). You instantly learn if the soft was legitimate. If it was legitimate, you also learn that player’s class.
Neutral Hunting (Night) - Quote a player’s post in the thread which you believe to be a Neutral soft or claim. You instantly learn if the soft or claim was legitimate. If it was legitimate, you will also learn that player’s class.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The Scout
Blue Dragon Investigative

Notice (Day) - Learn the faction(s) that visits the player during this night, You’ll only learn if one member of the same faction visits not multiple - Infinite.
Survey (Night) - Learn if target player has visited a person who has died on the same night - Infinite.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Cute Kouhai

“Konbanwa, Senpai!”
Blue Dragon Support
Cute Little Kouhai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Call (Night) - Give your Senpai a nice call. Protect your target from occupation and healing tonight. Infinite uses.
Adorable Memos (Night) - Send a 50 words letter to a target. The target can use the memo to send a 50 words letter to another target. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert into Naughty Kouhai or Innocent Kouhai



Naughty Kouhai

"A-ah. Senpai… let me makes you feel more comfortable… "
Unseen Offensive
Cute Little Kouhai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Visit (Night) - Give your Senpai a night visit. Prevent your target from being healed, investigated, and bled tonight. Infinite uses.
Senpai’s Diary (Night) - Prevent target’s class and last will from being revealed in the event of their death. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cute Kouhai

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Innocent Kouhai

"S-stop! I can’t think clearly anymore… "
Cult Offensive
Cute Little Sacrifice (Passive) - To investigative, you are shown as a Blue Dragon.
Ohayo! (Day) - Greet Senpai with an energetic Ohayo! You and your target are the only people available to be voted today. 1 use.
Late Night Exercise (Night) - Give yourself to Mithras. Visit three different targets. If any of the targets visit one another tonight, kill them both and yourself. 3 uses.
Survivor Testimony (Night) - Prevent any member of the cults from dying tonight. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cute Kouhai

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Cool Senpai

“Yo, Kouhai.”
Blue Dragon Killer
Cool Famous Senpai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Paragon Smile! (Day) - Greet the world with a dashing smile. Kill a player. If you kill a member of Blue Dragon, you will lose Paragon Smile!. 0 use.
Late Night Chill (Night) - Visit a player. If you visit the same target as a member of evil factions or Neutral Killer, gain a use of Paragon Smile!. Infinite uses.
Omiai (Night) - Hide in another person’s house. You will be night immune tonight. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert into Violent Senpai or Deranged Senpai

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Violent Senpai

"Ha? Where are you going this late at night? "
Unseen Offensive
Cool Famous Senpai (Passive) - Anyone you visit at night will be redirected to you the next night.
Paragon Smile! (Day) - Greet the world with a dashing smile. Kill a player. 1 use.
Late Night Hustle (Night) - Visit the same target as the Assassin or Mastermind. Prevent anyone from visiting the Assassin’s or Mastermind’s target. 3 uses.
Mixer (Night) - Take your friends to the bar. The Unseen will be night immune tonight. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cool Senpai

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Deranged Senpai

"More! Ah- so good. More! "
Cult Offensive
Cool Famous Sacrifice (Passive) - To investigative, you are shown as a Blue Dragon.
Paragon Smile! (Day) - Greet the world with a dashing smile. Kill a player. 1 use.
Late Night Excursion (Night) - Give yourself to Mithras. If Cult kills a player tonight, the Cult’s visits will be hidden for the next night. 3 uses.
Exotic Dancers (Night) - Hire expensive entertainments. Anyone that visit you tonight will be bled. 1 use.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Cool Senpai

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The Leveler

Mafia Special
TSTBS (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Town.
Deathtunnel (Day) - Reset all votes and choose a player. You and that player are the only players who can be lynched today, unless one of you dies before the day ends. (2 uses)
Anti-Consensus (Day) - Publically shoot a player in broad daylight. (1 use)
Factional Kill (Night) - Attack a player if no other Mafia member is attacking a player tonight.
Bus Drive (Night) - Choose another member of the Mafia. If they get lynched tomorrow, you will gain another use of Anti-Consensus and Deathtunnel. (X uses, where X is the amount of starting Mafia members other than you)
Defeat the Town, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.




Blue Dragon Social
The Mislynch (Passive) - If you are lynched, the day will continue and another lynch will be possible.
Blatantly Anti-Town (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the evil faction.
Scumclaim (Day) - Claim any evil-aligned class and use the :wolf: emoji in your posts from that point forward. You automatically use this ability if you are asked to claim your class.
No Action (Night) - Do nothing.
Defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Unseen Social
UTR (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Blue Dragon.
Actually Anti-Town (Passive) - Every day you are not lynched, you gain an additional use of Who Do I Visit.
Scumclaim (Day) - Claim any evil-aligned class and use the :wolf: emoji in your posts from that point forward. You automatically use this ability if you are asked to claim your class.
Who Do I Visit (Night) - Choose one of the following modes and use them on a player as your night ability. Only the other members of the Unseen can make you use this ability and decide the target. If you are the only living member of the Unseen, you cannot perform any actions at night. You have to use each mode of this ability at least once until you reuse a mode. (1 use)

  • Learn a player’s class.
  • Learn a player’s visitors and who they visited.
  • Attack a player.
  • Occupy a player.
  • Redirect a player to another.
  • Frame a player.
  • Make a player receive incorrect results if they investigate a player.
    Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.

For the sake of clarity, this is intended as a meme and not anything offensive.



The Great Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon Special
Greatness (Passive) Instead of dying, you will be converted into the faction of your attacker. Does not count for self-attacks.
Finder of the Wicked (Day) If you are voting a player who cannot win with the Blue Dragon, they die immediately. Conversely, you will die if they are Blue Dragon. (Inf use, cannot target king)
Slayer of the Evil (Night) Kill a player. If they are Blue Dragon, you will kill yourself instead.
Defeat all who cannot win with the Blue Dragon

Converts to The Failed in all cases.


The Failed

Scum Social
Failure (Passive) Every day, you must heavily discredit yourself once.
Perceived Greatness (Passive) You will appear to be Blue Dragon to all investigative checks. You will also flip The Great Blue Dragon upon Death.


The Savior :shield:

Neutral Killer
Down With the Elitists (Passive) - At the start of the match, you are given a list of veteran players in the match determined by the host, based on the players’ experience with Forum of Lies and Forum Mafia in general. You are immune to all day and night actions used by veteran players (they will automatically be prevented). You are also night immune, occupation immune, redirection immune and bleeding immune to newbie players.
Completed Purge (Passive) - Once you achieve your victory condition, your night abilities become disabled.
Guide (Day) - Choose a newbie player. They will be night immune tonight and they will receive correct investigative results from their abilities. (3 uses)
Angle of Attack (Day) - Investigate a veteran player. At the start of the night, you will learn their passive abilities. (3 uses)
The Real PoE (Night) - Attack a veteran player.
Bring to Justice (Night) - Attack a veteran player, bypassing their immunities. You may also write a message which contains up to 1000 characters. At the start of the next day, if the ability was successful, the player will flip with your message instead of their logbook (or an empty logbook if you did not write a message). It will be publically revealed that they were killed by the Savior. (3 uses)
Make sure all veteran players die.




Neutral Social
This Game is Bastard (Passive) - Your target is the host. If Luxy is the host, there will be three silent votes on them from the start of the game until you die.
Lord of Confusion (Passive) - All investigative results received by players who investigate you will be randomized. Your results are also always randomized.
Investigate…? (Night) - Learn a player’s alignment…?
What Am I Doing (Night) - Swap two players with one another. All player who target one of them tonight will be redirected to the other. You may swap yourself. (2 uses)
Ensure your target gets lynched.





Neutral Social
True Love (Passive) - One target is design to be your ‘true love’ at the start of the game. You can be in at most three relationships at once.
Forever Together (Passive) - Any player you are in a relationship with will die if you die. Any player you are in a relationship with will receive all feedback all of them receive.
I Love You (Night) - Confess your love to a player. The player can accept or reject. If he rejects, he will be occupied for the night. Infinite uses.
I Love You Not (Night) - Break your relationship with a player. If he’s your true love, you will commit suicide. Infinite uses.
Find your true love and remains in relationship until the end of the game.



The Goodstermind
Blue Dragon Special

Can touch this! (Passive) - Cannot be protected at night by any means unless you’re protecting yourself
Not today you can touch this! (Day) - Make yourself immune to death at night - 1 Use
Swear to not be converted (Day) - Your target for "not a Convert will be convert immune for the rest of the game - 1 Use.
Not a Convert (Night) - Make someone immune to conversion tonight - Infinite.
Examine (Night) - Learn the converted class type of that class - 2 Uses.
Make sure the blue dragon wins

Converts into the: (Unseen Convert)

Not Mastermind
Unseen Special

Could maybe touch this (Passive) - Immune to death on odd nights, also appear as Blue Dragon the first night after you’re converted, You cannot become assassin unless you choose to become one during the day when there isn’t one.
Cleaner work (Day) - Become the new assassin if no one else apart from the other Unseen specials can become the convert.
Kinda convert? (Night) - Select another player if Mastermind/Converter fails on conversion or is dead you’ll convert that target instead - Infinte [1 Day cooldown, shared with Mastermind/Converter]
Examine? (Night) - Learn the converted class type of the player - 2 Uses.
Make sure unseen wins

Converts into the: (Cult Convert)

Cult Mastermind
Cult Special

Touch me if I’m not busy (Passive) - Immune to death on nights you’re Occupied or redirected.
Kinda convert? (Night) - Select another player if Cult Leader/Cult converter fails on conversion or is dead you’ll convert that target instead - Infinte [1 Day cooldown, shared with Cult Leader/Cult Converter]
Examine? (Night) - Learn the converted class type of the player - 2 Uses.


Fallen Angel
Neutral Killer

Holy power (Passive) - Immune to Death and Bleeding.
Un-mortal (Passive) - Immune to occupation but will appear able to be occupied.
Judgement (Day) - Cause two players to bleed out they will die in two nights - 1 Uses.
Deep Fear (Day) - Prevent a players vote from counting - 4 Uses.
Wrath (Night) - Kill a player, every two kills you’ll gain a use of Internal damnation - Infinite.
Internal damnation (Night) - Kill a player bypassing death, healing and any form of protection - 0 Uses.
Kill all main factions in order to win you may spare other neutrals including Neutral Killers.