SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Nominative Determinist

Blue Dragon Investigative

Nominative Determinism (Passive) - After rand but before classes are given, all classes named after a player actually in the game will be given to their respective players. If this would be impossible due to duplicates, remove a random duplicate of a player’s name and rerand it. If you are in the game, all factions that could be considered an informed minority will be informed that you are in the game. If there are no classes that have the same name as a player in the game, treat this classcard as if it was a Sheriff classcard. You will convert into Nightwatch if converted by the Unseen.

You win when all threats to the uninformed majority have been eliminated.




Demon Killing

We Are Legion (Passive) - Before the game begins, exactly 2/3rds of the game will be converted into an exact copy of this classcard. This is gaurenteed to cover all classes that are not uninformed majority. If a Legion would die, it will flip as the class it was originally meant to be. You are aware of the class you were originally meant to be, and of all other Legion members.

Mob Mentality (Passive) - If there is exactly 1 or 0 non-Legion votes on a player when they would be lynched, they will instead not die.

Fraying Connection (Night) - At least one member of the Legion must use this every night. Kill a Legion player. - Infinite uses.

You win when all non-Legion players are dead.



The Shacklewright

Demon Killer
The Demon (Passive) - You are a member of the informed minority and will join their nightchat. If you die, the informed minority will instantly lose. If you win, the informed minority will win.
Demonic Bonds (Day) - Choose any number of players. Tonight, they will share a chat where they can either submit a true night target (NOT their action) or feign night targets. If anyone within this chat dies tomorrow, everyone else will also die in it.

Be one of the last 2 players alive or achieve parity with the Town.




Blue Dragon Social
DOWN WITH THE BOURGEOUSI (Passive) - All immunity bypassing abilities and inherent immunity based passives are disabled, even after your death.
Uproot the System (Passive) - Any class rolled after this one can be of any alignment, up to the mod’s choice.

Defeat the Scum and harmful neutrals.


Plague Doctor Italy

Neutral Killer
Hidden Cat Ears (Passive) - You appear to be a member of the Blue Dragon to investigative abilities.
Wearing a mask over a mask (Passive) - You are occupation immune, redirection immune, death immune and bleed immune. You will be informed if any of these immunities have triggered.
I am the cure (Day) - Cure a player of life (basically; they die) - 1 Use
Bad reference (Night) - Infect a player with the plague. Infected players will also infect everyone they visit and everyone who visits them. If everyone (you are not required) alive is infected, the host will announce “A terrible plague sweeps through the town…” and everyone else will lose their passives permanently. When everyone else is infected, this ability will instead kill its target bypassing protection. While everyone else is infected:
Your immunities cannot be bypassed (You can only be killed by lynch, no exceptions.)
If you are imprisoned in any way, the person who has imprisoned you will die.
You will kill everyone who visits you
You will kill everyone who visits your target
Your attacks bypass all immunities and protections
You can bypass prevention (example: Prince’s Imprison)
Defeat all main factions.

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Plague Doctor Italy, but a catgirl

Neutral Killer

Cat Ears (Passive) - You will be part of La Soleil Cafe.
Wearing a mask over a mask (Passive) - You are occupation immune, redirection immune, death immune and bleed immune. You will be informed if any of these immunities have triggered.
I am the cure (Day) - Cure a player of life (basically; they die) - 1 Use
Bad reference (Night) - Infect a player with the plague. Infected players will also infect everyone they visit and everyone who visits them. If everyone (you are not required) is infected, the host will announce “A terrible plague sweeps through the town…” and everyone else will lose their passives permanently. When everyone else is infected, this ability will instead kill its target bypassing protection. While everyone else is infected:
Your immunities cannot be bypassed (You can only be killed by lynch, no exceptions.)
If you are imprisoned in any way, the person who has imprisoned you will die.
You will kill everyone who visits you
You will kill everyone who visits your target
Your attacks bypass all immunities and protections
You can bypass prevention (example: Prince’s Imprison)




Town Baguette [Social]

I surrender! (Passive): You require one less vote to be lynched during the day. You will appear as Social to class type checks.
Superior to Italy (Passive): You will be informed if any classes made by @Italy, include the Italy class typing, or include Italy in their name exist, and which class(es) if so. You will be informed if you are infected by Plague Doctor Italy.
Et tu, Brute? (Day): Can only be used on a class made by @Italy, include the Italy class typing, a class including Italy in their name, or @Italy themself. Your target will only require 1 vote to be executed today. - (the amount of players that this can be used on) uses
Spaghetti Trap (Night): Select two players. You will be informed if any of them are able to be targetted by Et tu, Brute?, and which class they are. This bypasses any frames, tailors, and any form of occupation, redirection, and prevention. - infinite uses

crowns into 815



Well Akshually

Neutral Special
It says right here that you’re wrong because [insert reason here] (Passive) - Whenever you point out a minor technicality in a person’s logic as wrong (and be correct about it) in the most annoying way possible, you will be able to target them with any of your abilities. When you win, The Prince (or any of its variants) will die

Deathtunnel (Day) - If the target player is lynched today, you will gain unbypassable night immunity should they not be BD. If they are BD and they are lynched today you will leave the game victorious. When used, this ability will be announced. - 1 Use

Push Agenda (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite Uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon or achieve your alternate win condition.



The French King

Town Baguette
French Monarch (Passive) - If you die, a vote will be held to determine the next King. You will know which classes that were made by @Italy or include Italy in their name are present in the match, and you will know if Plague Doctor Italy infects you.
Bread of State (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection, and your abilities do not count as visits. You may use all day abilities in the same day, and require 1 less vote to be lynched.
French Trial (Day) - Put a player on trial, they will have 12 hours to defend themself, then the court will have 12 hours to decide their fate. If you use this on a class made by @Italy or a class with Italy in its name, they will instantly be executed. Infinite uses
Spaghetti Allies (Day) - Choose two players who will share a night chat with you tonight. At the end of the night, you will know if these players have classes made by @Italy or have Italy in their name. Infinite uses

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The Giant Enemy Spider

Unknown Killer

Your alignment is randomized
You are 1-shot bulletproof except when you reveal yourself.

Once during the game during the day, you can reveal yourself as the Giant Enemy Spider. You become unable to be targeted by anything other than ITAs. Anyone can choose to ITA your slot at a 5% chance, or other people should they choose to do so. This phase will restart every day.

Every night you can choose to kill a player should you be aligned with yourself, or two if you’ve revealed yourself.



Shit of all Trades

Blue Dragon Special
oPtIoNs ArE gOoD (Passive) - You are assigned up to 4 shitty 1-shot abilities that are nearly useless by the mod at the start of the game.

Defeat all scum and harmful neutrals.




Neutral Italy
Impossible! (Passive) - You will randomly inherit the win con of Townaly or Wolfaly. If either class is present in the match, this random is weighted against theirs.
Imagine Actually Figuring This Out (Passive) - If you die, you will flip as Townaly or Wolfaly, whichever one whose wincon you did NOT inherit. Additionally, you are death immune to the faction you are aligned with.
Without Fail (Day) - Italy has a gun. Again. Who could possibly predict it? Once per day you may shoot someone, using any command, such as /falconpunch or /dayvig, so long as your intent to kill is clear. Infinite uses
Detonataly (Night) - Kill all other “Italy” classes present in the match. You will additionally kill France or The French King. 1 use

Fulfill the wincon given to you by Impossible!



Italy but without a gun

Town Italy [Social]
Impossible (Passive) - If this class rolls, no variants of The Knight may spawn unless The Italy (336) is in the game. If The Italy is in the game, they may target two people with Interrogate. They will be informed. Afterwards, reroll this slot. This slot can only roll into a Killer or Italy class.




Blue Dragon Feline [Special]

Nine Lives (Passive): If you die during the day or night with at least one life, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with nine lives. You are aware of the number of lives you have, and you can lose multiple lives per night if you are attacked multiple times. Strongman attacks will take away 6 lives. You are weakened with every life lost.

9 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night. You are also immune to bleeding. You will be informed if you are occupation, redirection, or bleed attempted.
8 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night. You are also immune to bleeding.
7 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day and night.
6 lives: You are occupation and redirection immune during the day.
5 lives: You are no longer occupation or redirection immune.
4 lives: You require one less vote to be executed.
3 lives: Your dayvig has a 33% chance of failing, killing nobody.
2 lives: Your dayvig has a 50% chance of backfiring, consuming a life. (It will no longer have a 33% chance of failing)
1 life: You will bleed yourself, and become unable to be targeted by any protective or healing abilities. (Your dayvig still has a 50% chance of backfiring)

confused katze noises (Passive): Naturally scummy, you are an omnimiller. You show up as Special for class type checks, because you are special. Additionally, if you target a catgirl with any ability, you will join the La Soleil Cafe. Finally, you have a single use of a dayvig you must use each day. To do so, type /dayvig (player name). If you do not do this, you will have an 87% chance of shooting yourself.
Family of Throwers (Passive): If @Chloe and/or @anon97870008 are in the game, you will be neighborized with them. You must insult them in the neighborhood at least once per cycle, or the neighborhood will disband.
Very Effective FPS (Day): If you convince a player that you have an ability that you do not have, you will learn one piece of information about that player. This information will either be useless, or false. - infinite uses, can be used multiple times per day
SFoL 60 (Day): Gain the first day ability from a randomly selected class in the Grand Idea V2 thread. If the randomly selected class has no day ability, reroll until a day ability is selected.
Randomizer (Night): Gain the first night ability from a randomly selected class in the Grand Idea V2 thread. If the randomly selected class has no night ability, reroll until a night ability is selected.
airplane go brrrrrr (Night): Take flight in the night sky! All players targetting you tonight will be prevented, bypassing any immunities. You must post a crude drawing of an airplane in the game thread the next day, or be vanillized. - 1 use

Converts into Eye of Arete (755), regardless of the scum faction

chloe requests credit for coming up with the “you are weakened when you lose lives” idea
this is balanced



Town Italy [Investigative]
Still a fucking miller (Passive) - You show as mafia to all investigative abilities. You will appear to perform the factional kill, if there is any. Otherwise, you will appear to visit whoever was killed by an ability used by scum.
Die (Day) - Die. Immediately. Trust me, you’ll find some use for this. Oh, you also modreveal a player’s alignment. But if they’re a neutral killer or lost wolf they appear to be town. Whoops. - 1 use
Poor quality invest (Night) - Check if a player is a member of the uninformed majority. Neutral Killers and lost wolves will appear to be town. - Infinite uses
Probably worse invest (Night) Select up to three players. You will learn if at least one is a member of the informed minority. Neutral Killers and lost wolves will appear to be town. If a Neutral Killer, lost wolf or any member of the Informed Minority is not lynched the next day, you will commit suicide at EoD.
Standard town wincon.




Blue Dragon Support

Bad Player B Gone (Passive) - You are immune to BD killing abilities.

Defeat the scum and harmful neutrals.




Cultseen Italy
Wait What? Why? (Passive) - You will appear as the class you were previously to investigations, even if your class changes.
Without Fail (Day) - Conversion didn’t take away the gun. Input any command, like /falconpunch or /dayvig and a player, so long as this command makes your intent to kill clear. You will kill this player in broad daylight. 1 use
Memery in the Chat (Night) - Sends an anonymous message to the Cultseen chat. Infinite uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and any harmful neutrals

Converted from any Town and BD aligned Italy variant.



Suicide Boomer

Blue Dragon Killer
I have an immune system (Day) - Undo the lockdown because you are incredibly intelligent. You and players directly adjacent to you on the playerlist will die. - 2 Uses

Defeat all threats to the uninformed majority.



Suicide Bomb

Blue Dragon Killer
Bomb (Passive) - If you are killed by a non-lynch killing ability, you will die.

Defeat all threats to the uninformed majority.



Bulletproof unconvertable IC perfect rolecop w/ two shot conditional vigilante

Blue Dragon Bullshit [special]
No Allegience (Passive) - You are bulletproof and conversion immune. You do not count as Blue Dragon for the purposes of parity. You do not keep this passive upon class change.
Royal Blood I guess (Passive) - If there is a king election, you automatically win that election. You crown into the Cowardly King.

Silence (Day) - Occupy the King for the day :crown: - 1 use
Ballot Mixing (Day) - Instantly confirm yourself as the Pretender because this ability is pointless otherwise. :crown: - 3 uses

Blood Test (Night) - Discover a players class type pairing and whether or not they have Royal Blood. - inf uses
Kinslayer (Night) - Attack a player with Royal Blood, or the King. You must have discovered they have Royal Blood with Blood Test (unless they’re King) :crown: - 2 uses
Become the King.