Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

*and then had my thoughts in the form of a Wind Wallpost™ ready to send, I mean xD

Actually it’s a good thing you didn’t break the scheme, otherwise you’d be under suspicion for that. Even if it you were told by people to stop, the fact that you prompted the question would look suspicious as a way to try to stop doing it. But you continued, so that looks good.

Yeah, I also considered that while I was continuing lol

He’s moved on to the prequel “The Joy_cat”, which tells the story of how the Joy_cat found the One Thing to rule all other Things. :slight_smile:

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Ok fuck
Everyone: “cheese is writing something great!”


;qwekqwefqwefasdfdqaegvwtrcfgtrdesxsfdxersdfxresfdxsfzxfersfdxgtreszdfxrteszdfxcgtredr xfcgrdtesdxfdvtrcsx fcgdrcsx cfgdrx cvdfcv gtyfc vbgytvfcxv gc vgtresxc vredxsfdaadgsfzdcxvdfgersdfxgersxterswfdxvhtrdesfdxtresdfxhtrdeysfxcgrdgcbv fgrtdecv frtdec vbfgcdtresfxcbvdgerswfdxcbgfrteygcbv fgrdtegcvnfhrytdegfcrtdegcfcgfdregcbfgrtdcgf vnbfgccgv gfdc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccfccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccfgrdtyegfcgrtdhcfg fcdddddfcfffcccccccccccccccccfgfrdcbfgrtdcgbnrtc fcfgdgfhrtdeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyycgfvrcgvrcgrtyghvfvhyvhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyvfcddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddfgvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Staying awake for like 36 straight hours makes you a narcoleptic

sorry guys, wallpost is the next post

Note that the wallpost you see below was made somewhere around the 12 hour mark, a few hours before EoD2 and while desperately trying to finish renderings for robotics

Thoughts from about 6 hours before EoD yesterday:

Why the fuck am I doing this

Decently comprehensive readlist, in the order that I worked on them:



The slot with the least posts; although I do not believe this to be scum-indicative (for now - this might change if it’s d4 and they have like 20 posts), this is going to be frustrating

starting off with a massive joke, of course NAI

And like France, this slot shows a liking to poems. I’ve said earlier on that acting this abnormally vaguely hints at scum, since they would try to act more townier than a townie.

They are active until post 65 (65!), continuously posting non-AI poems, disappears, then comes back with… umm…

This slot wasn’t replaced
They’ve spent some time trying to keep up the poem thing and they come out with this?
Someone tell me this sounds like a different person

Result: Scumlean


Attempted derpclear that I mistakenly got accused for

I personally think this is NAI; although this is a form of advertising towniness, I see this more as advertising their newbiness, possibly to roleplay as an alt

evidence to my point above
they know derpclears exist and they clearly attempted one :stuck_out_tongue:

–replacement happens–

happy eggplant noises
This slot gives off towny vibes from their effort in reading everyone as a replacement

Guess you simply disagree with my POV then
I don’t think Grape’s viewpoint is scummy here (although I think it’s wrong :stuck_out_tongue:), and I like that they’re looking into Cloud for their reaction

Result: Townlean


Decent line of thinking, from “ok what the fuck is this” to “ooooooooh i get it”

This set of reads are…alarming to say the least. As explained countless times, it’s easy for wolves to pick on inactives, since they would get little to no pushback while still appearing to be active. Especially someone in Hamster’s situation, who seems to be quite busy, scum!hamster would try their best to appear towny and decently active at all times

jumps on the heart wagon at EoD for “having no substance,” still highly suspicious

However I start to like this slot near EoD2:

Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #1589 by Joy_Hamster

Even with some of the more vocal people going tree, this slot still attempts to keep discussions going forward with individuals like moon and the general demeanor at EoD seems quite towny.

Result: currently null, was scummy but has improved


Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #28 by Joy_Moon

starts by having fun with poetry I guess

Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #197 by Joy_Moon

giving basic thoughts on slots, although a bit early at post #197; I think this is towny in nature

little low on details and high on gutreads - may become a problem later on

I orignially was angry at this since they didn’t have much reads before this - it felt like popping in to say “hey people participate”, without actually participating

But although there’s not that much substance to their reads - it’s mostly gut reads - this post isn’t as egregious as I originally thought.

However I am still not perfectly clearing this post - this is inherently not a very good post. Until they give more, I don’t really like this.

This alarms me
please don’t hurt me
So far in this ISO, they’ve provided no reasoning for why they believe Alarm to be town; and yet, they’re saying that alarm is lock town.

Result: scumlean. I don’t trust this slot, for their weak casings and efforts to look explicitly towny.


nice! catching similar things I did
I think this interaction is insignificant to the point that I don’t think two scum would go through this

im loving this pig

D1 they seem to want to do a lot of prodding
which is good, and i don’t think the way that they do it (kinda offhandish, slightly annoyed) is performative

l m a o
just putting this here since I laughed again while reading it

Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #715 by Joy_Pig

entire post - this is their take on shirt. Now that we know that shirt is town, I look into this post and just see towniness from pig; if this were scum, they would be ripping into the most mundane things, but I find their takes to be understandable

Result: townleans, currently one of my strongest ones


I’ve covered most of the problem’s I’ve had with this slot’s D1 in my post, so I’ll just link it here:
Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #518 by Joy_Eggplant

also read my next post

and also this

Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Day 3 (11/17) - #814 by Joy_Eggplant

Looking into D2, there’s nothing that really improves my perception of this slot, save this:

In this they have very weak arguments that are supported on “alarm town,” and hedge their read on grapes “might be overanalyzing”
This made me question my judgement; I read that, and was like “wait this might just be tunnelly town.” I doubt this though;
the rest of the ISO was simply terrible.

Result: scumread; this slot has lots and lots of unexplained posts and reads, with little for us to go off of. I want to see this die.



We have a memer!


A quarter of the way through their ISO, this is the only “read” that this slot has; I don’t know what more I expect from a memer, but I really don’t like that every single one of their posts are one-liners

I’d like to take this time to say I’m sorry :frowning:
@Joy_Coin , sorry for yelling at you :frowning:

somewhere around the start of the heart wagon, coin posts this; I argued strongly against this, and I turned out to be right. But not much of gloating, I am fearful of coin for this: now, I see little (read: not enough) reason for the heart push and yet that wagon grew massively

And even after the reveal, they seem to have little remorse:

Usually you start with “wups” if a wagon you’ve pushed for some time turned out to be town

Result: Scumread, although im sorry for the cyberbullying :frowning:


beginning with a towny thought
this is gonna be good

great we have another memer

ok I’ve read through their ISO and there’s nothing I can talk about - they give their opinions, they have a kinda obnoxious (and, admittedly, effective) playstyle, and they exist. The reason why I say “effective” is that they act kinda pompous and “look at me I’m locktown” in a way that actually makes me think they’re town - I see their motivation in subtly discouraging jumpers. Furthermore, and I see little that I can’t follow in their logic; there’s nothing that jumps out me as agenda or just weird

Thus, result: very low townlean, but I want to keep this as a null for myself

~~Joy_Stop~~ Joy_stop

ok I’m seeing a trend here
the people that have a lot of posts don’t because they participate more, they just do because their posts are shorter
making it harder for me to actually pick out good content

however this slot has a lot more reads than the other talkative ones:

And as with most others, they have little substance behind their reads; however, their efforts to conform with the mafia norms seem genuine and towny in general

Result: slight townlean

Joy_Eevee + Joy France

I…don’t wanna read these two
sorry guys
result: null for both. I barely understand these two but I think I understand their motives, but I saw way too much performatism from both


Last up!

This was my original problem with Alarm; they seemed waaaay to performative in terms of the whole “better not get jumpers on me” shennanigans, and their reasonings for voting me was extremely weak. The one that they gave above was waaaaaaay too bad
And thus was my thought process for the first few posts

Think I talked about this before too; they just explicitly said “nope not doing anything anti-town” which got sirens blaring

Why did I not see this before
I love this
Even in the midst of getting pushed, they accurately identify the reason that they are getting pushed, explain it to a bystander, and encourage the silent bystander and proceed to give effort in their reads

towny if I’ve ever seen one

You being performative was still true and I had little to go off of the first half of D1

And here we come to my problem post:

And reading back this time, we know tongue to be town. With this in mind, I really, really hate this post with a passion. First, the line about “it doesn’t seem full of agenda at all” - it was kinda early to say that, and the way in which they say it is just horrible. I considered this to be TMI back then, and I still consider this to be TMI. Although their points on other people’s opinions hold true, their compliments of Tongue just feel pockety.

The next posts that they give for townleans on both cloud and tongue are further pockety (sorry for the no-evidence on this one, lost the post and can’t find it :confused: )

next, they jump on the grape wagon with this:

As explained, inactive hunting = bad and scummy

Result: scum lean. Tonally I read this slot as town, but I’m not very confident in my ability to toneread people. Their actions, however, speak hard scum to me. Thus I scum lean this slot; not as far as a scumread, but still scummy nonetheless.

Final Listing

Locktown: yours truly
Townlean: Grape, Moon,
Null: Hamster, Lock, Eevee, France
Scumlean: Baseball, Moon,
Scumread: Cloud, Coin,Alarm


have fun reading that lol
i…really need sleep
not “roll around on your computer” sleep, sleep on my bed

I promise I’ll be here in like 10 hours, and actively read d3 and participate

in the meantime I can answer questions while preparing to sleep

Let’s have everyone completely ignore Cloned’s wallpost. No replies, no likes… :slight_smile:

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angry cheese noises

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Actually they were replaced. I think the OP just wasn’t updated to reflect this.

But yeah, I was suspicious of the change at first, but remembered seeing the thing about the replacement.

a h
completely missed that
…which means that that slot is back to a null, I thought that slot was the same person being bipolar

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Haha yeah, complete change :slight_smile:

When I was going through looking for the jump destination, I thought “Aha! Got you!”

wait until you meet me hdjdnfkfkf

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I can’t wrap my head around anything while reading and I’m probably really stupid over it so hold on

I’m really sorry why am I stupid

Please don’t take this seriously I’m not that bad idk why I said that I’m not scum I’ve just been playing really badly this game you can kill me for it I won’t be mad I honestly deserve it

hold on

Oh man, and I just thought of something. There were actual tree people (Ents) in the story. And after a long period of inactivity, they started moving and doing stuff to fight for the good guys, like what’s been happening here… :slight_smile: