[FM] Yes, We Can’t Have Nice Things Because This Is A Clown Fiesta Sequel ENDGAME [3/22]


If my chaos gives me the ability to solve canty i’ll do so then

i want off of mr cantaloupe’s wild ride

Alright, question for everybody in general

what are your thoughts on vul and min, and if you want to lynch them today or not.

i know there is a significant amount of slots that have already given their read out on min, but i still want to hear exactly from the rest their thoughts on the slot, and aswell on Vul

anyone who knows their meta is it normal for min to AtE as wolf?

i remember them doing that in jojo fm but apparently it’s nai for them?

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Countries FM they were a wolf

so, thats something to look at

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I would be hugely more in favor of a vul lynch than a min lynch because I found vul’s reaction to be way scummier than min’s. That being that min actually made attempts to defend themselves from the meta read whereas Vul kind of just tried to give themselves an out through ‘I’m just meming’ after weirdly popping in around post 500 to buy the lighter

To be clear this is from post 1217, not 200 or 300 where this would’ve been like ‘okay he’s just meming’

and this just sounds like a pretty lame excuse to avoid any more questioning or giving of reads
We aren’t giving cantaloupe a pass when it comes to this, why should vulgard get one?

i still think cantaloupe should be the lynch for today, but if it comes down to vulgard vs min, I’m voting vulgard


that read and your thoughts are noted.

i’m okay with lynching either but vulgard did avenge me in RPS so :thinking:


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will read min’s vallhalla soon ish

My chase has come up with results!

The Results

min is correct, mist’s push is bad. maybe not neccesarily in Bad Faith :tm: but still a bullcrap push.
they act in the same way, and if i am not mistaken, they are town in va-11.

The Proof (Sponsored by Vallhalla Greatest Idea)

wait, gorta’s in this game?

He is

And he’s only the second-lowest poster


Amelia, your thoughts regarding this:

did someone say EOD shenanigans

vul yes yeet
min no yeet