RWBY FM - Neighborhood

i gotta go now will be back tomorrow
might look over some stuff tonight but i’ll probably be a bit out of it

good morning
time to do stuff

misty min marshal

eli marl cloned

wazza vulgard

[atlas, ami, hippo, derps]

lol pkr

i think this poe is winnable

i also think lol is just spewed wolf by the gamestate
like everyone has something in their favour except lol

min is firmly in their town meta and there’s some things which i think are very hard to fake for min

they weren’t at EoD which was a bit odd, but i don’t think it means much
i don’t think this is as locktown as it is marshal, actually
but we certainly don’t need to look here yet

as for marshal i think the chloe push was in blatant good faith
you can see the progression with how initially she believed chloe was playing the game differently, and then set out to find what

may not be outside of her wolf range technically but the frustration of having her read generalised with a bunch of random l-0 reads seems genuine

my main concern was how she said i was obvious town after i sent a post which wasn’t even towny and refused to explain why
well, she’s done it now at least but i don’t think it had anything to do with that post so the timing may have been preplanned
don’t really want to tinfoil here yet when there’s plenty more people we need to kill first

wazza’s frustration at me probing them seemed pure and the way they caught out vulgard at EoD saying that he hadn’t ISO’ed eli when he actually had shows that wazza is paying attention to detail and also the way they handled it showed they weren’t out to completely destroy vulgard

but i’m worried that their solving has been primarily eli because doing something like that provides wolves with an easy excuse of not solving anyone else but still looking like they’re doing something

idk too much about vulgard
he’s contributing usefully to the game and i melded with him on a lot of his crich case
the best look for him is the way in which before EoD he was asking for a wolfgame from crich so he could confirm that he does do similar ATE’ing at EoD as a wolf
it seemed genuinely like an open-minded villager who wasn’t fully ready to bury crich

eli marl cloned
i don’t really know for any of these, i think marl is just in his town meta
you could make a case that marl is a tier below but i’m pretty sure on the other two

I have Vulgard and Eli as solid town, but I’d be more wary of Marshal. She can fake her tone well as a wolf, so jumping on that can just be pushing the mindset of “Chloe tried to discredit me so she’s a wolf!” which we know is not true.

I have Vul and Eli as solid town, but I need to take a closer look at slots like Hippo, lol, Wazza & PKR.

Something I noticed from both lol and Hippo are that the timing of their takes and questions came right after someone commented on their behavior and how it was lacking X or Y, but I’m also wondering whether it’d be too blatant for a wolf to immediately do a 180 on their behavior. See; lol gaining a random scumread on me right after Vul said lol not doing anything was suspicious

yeah, and the way he went about the read didn’t look like he was actually trying to convince anyone of it
it just looked like he was trying to appear productive

Ami didn’t post much, but the read on Eli is NAI before actually getting more information about why she scumread him. Probably focusing on this slot later.

This reads as pure regardless of PKR’s alignment

I’m liking his thought process, but there’s actually some questionable progression on Chloe/CRich. I don’t think it’s wolfy, though?


Here he scumreads Chloe for being cautious, then kind of backs off when confronted about it and puts her above null. Then CRich replaces in, he points out things such as him townreading everyone and votes him at EoD

I honestly had the same kind of progression just because I didn’t really care, but given Cloned’s views on weirdness and how it translates to being scummy, I would say he’s still probably town. Not a strong read, but still town. What do you think?

I have a hard time deciding whether Derps looks awkward or towny from the little content I can gather from his ISO. He inserted himself in the discussion about PKR’s AtE, only to post things that don’t go anywhere

The fact that he’s not completely ignoring Chloe’s vote on him is probably town-indicative in his case? It’s the only thing I really have for him, other than that, everything can go either way. However, I want to point out that if he’s a wolf, he has a decent amount of partner-equity with lol for these posts:

The fact that lol felt the need to call out to him like this is kind of weird? Combined with the fact that before this, the only read Derps confidently outed was when they called lol town for their meta-take on Min. I agree that it was a towny post from lol so that alone isn’t enough proof, but this mutual buddying up feels weird.

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i think cloned is probably town because he’s incredibly comfortable in the thread and his progression, regardless of how questionable it may be, is clearly visible

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Discourse lied to me and told me I was at the end of his ISO

These are the posts that followed later on in the day, but they switched to CRich soon after. There was no real reason to vote lol, but they were one of the leading wagons at the time iirc

Right. That’s fair.

I feel like if he was a wolf, he would feel the need to explain his progression more than what he already implied with his posts

a lot of derps’ posting this game has been underwhelming or hedge
i asked him if he has any actual reads and he said “yes and no” then didn’t give me anything

the way in which lol said it was for no reason makes it even weirder
because the reason was the lack of content, and presumably as a means of a pressure

the derps quotes you’ve used clearly show his uncertainty and hedge
but i don’t think it’s a towny uncertainty
it just feels like an excuse to not actually push anything

Does W!Derps have this as his last post of the day though

I’m honestly thinking lol might’ve been TMIng Derps town instead of them both being wolves

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okay yeah
that actually reminds me of his play in sfol65 where he was town

marshal (i think it was her?) did say however that derps can fake his “not giving a shit” attitude especially if he isn’t excited about his scumteam