DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(The joke here is Arctic is about to claim a magical private investigator)

Deadly Life:

  • I searched for eevee, who ran off with the potion, because I tought I was the only one who could identify it.
    • There was no reason for me to out as Ultimate Toxicologist after a poison murder happened, nobody knew what my talent was and outing what poison killed Trochi gave us more information
  • Once I got back to the Library, I shared the fact that the poison was cyanide and tried to get people to search people who hadn’t been searched yet, in case someone had an empty bottle on them that me or eevee could check.
  • Then I tried for 2 full hours to get other people to search for evidence with me, and eventually just gave up and went by myself.
  • I scoured the entire castle (unfortunately wasn’t able to search more than that in 2 hours due to delays) for empty bottles, starting in the Chemistry Lab by eevee’s request.
    • I went back to check if other people had searched the other buildings yet, and found out that I should’ve searched for blue pens instead.
    • Due to searching the entire castle, I found the blue pens that were used to create the label in the Chemistry Lab (Technically it could still come from the bank, ig)
  • I repeatedly tried to get people to post their movements to make solving easier, but only a few people did.
  • Me and eevee were the only ones to not just assume it was a suicide at the start of Deadly Life, and tried to persuade others of this.

Class Trial:

  • I started the trial by trying to narrow down the times when Trochi could’ve found the poison.
  • I debunked the theory that the poison came from inside the Tomb (#8011)
  • I said Marl was clear because of :Joy_trees: , and encouraged other people to post their pathing to help clear them/narrow stuff down again (#8059)
  • I tried to make it clear to Arctic/kat that it wasn’t a suicide because they were being stubborn (#8108, #8113, #8121, #8143, #8382)
  • I tried to get more clears due to handwriting, but kat didn’t know who wrote the messages (#8225)
  • I tried to get the PoE to actually play the game, to no avail (#8242, #8365)
  • I summarized the clears we had so far, as well as the reasons eevee was unlikely to be the Blackened at worst and reminded people of those clears when they accused one of those people (#8363)
  • I further tried to narrow down the time during which Trochi could’ve found the poison (#8447, #8450, #8562, #8565)
  • I tried to get App cleared despite them never posting their pathing because I highly doubt they could’ve done it (#8544)
  • (#8582, #8583)


  • I had a full inventory, which means I couldn’t have brought the poison into the Tomb from the outside (Although technically I can’t prove I didn’t get the Scepter from the Tomb)
  • I asked kat if they could check if my handwriting from the diary (with disappearing words) was similar to the label, which would be a stupid gmable as the Blackened.
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(to elaborate on this

trochis attitude regarding the potion doesn’t sound like it makes any sense at all? if they didn’t think it was poison why are they so stubbornly refusing to give any info about it)

Maybe they changed their mind on wanting to help you kill me?

Maybe they just didn’t trust me? shrug

(there’s in character reasons that might make some sense because lol he was RPing someone who was clearly not mentally stable, i guess.

it strikes me as odd but it might just be because “well, this ended up getting him killed” as opposed to it being actually od)

I know that I obviously have to do some things as the Blackened, because I don’t slank as either alignment, but it makes no sense for me to do all of this.

@Arctic come fakeclaim. You can’t go halfway like that, it’s just a little tease.

(i mean to be fair light for a “private investigator” i’ve seen you do like, exactly zero things pertaining to it :^) )


They couldn’t have picked a worse person :wink:

Oh, and yeah, I knew about the whole second “murder Light” plot just… didn’t care.

(okay but i’d imagine you have some sort of investigative abilities and the closest thing i’ve seen to you having those is you ‘checking’ me which you later admitted was a guess based off of how i had played the game, and you “confirming” trochis ultimate which, like… does nothing)

My statement on you was never intended to be a check, so I’m kinda disappointed you keep bringing it up as a point.

i think he’s more like a conspiracy theorist talent like it said on the list of talents

it would explain why he knows everyone’s star sign because it is after all bullshit/conspiracy

That’s your conclusion? Oh, God I want to laugh.

when i asked how similar your talent was you said it wasn’t too far off and i don’t see how a private investigator is even remotely similar so :joy_cat:

(so i assume he told you? because i was probably going to backstab him anyway :joy_cat:)

(the phrasing felt like one, iirc, but i obviously don’t have access to that chat anymore and am too lazy to search security camera :joy_cat:)

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lol nm

The only three players I’ve used my abilities on this game are min, Tro, and Wazza.

two of those people are dead and one is a :deciduous_tree: :pensive:

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