Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Agreed with your Merc townread.

Wind is my strongest townread right now, but I realize I haven’t done a ton to explain it
That’s for 2 reasons:

  1. I don’t fully know how to put it into words (this is the greater of the two issues lol)
  2. She’ll bitch at me if i whiteknight her and drop a shield on her, and might turn on me and say that I’m a wolf and yadda yadda. I’m aware that my position in the thread is like a see-saw and i could very well be a ML today simply off of Erika’s behavior, so I’ve kinda been clinging to Wind as a buoy and haven’t wanted to fuck that up lol

But screw it
Wind is town
I’m pretty much willing to die on this hill unless someone comes out with a redcheck - in which case I’ll have to admit I’ve been completely and absolutely juked and she’s been playing the wolfgame of her life (props to her, if so)

Wind is a strong player and a loud voice, regardless of alignment, but her scumrange and townrange don’t overlap as much as might be expected. In all the wolfgames I’ve seen from her, she struggles tonally, as well as with keeping a consistent mindset
She tries to imitate her towngame from what i can garner, and she has a knack for bussing her partners for god knows what reasons
In the last game we played together where I was town and she was a wolf, I found her in the first like… 50 posts. She was caught for the wrong reasons, and I absolutely lied out of my ass for why i scumread her, but she was not comfortable in the thread at all, and she felt ‘boxed in.’ I haven’t felt that here. I also haven’t felt the powerwolfy buddybuddy aggressive vibes that I did in her other wolfgames

But my townread on her is less-so for the reason that I don’t scumread her, and moreso because I actively think her mindset is incredibly villagery (especially for her)
I know shes a very anxiety and paranoia-driven player and a lot of her reads while I’ve been in the game have stemmed from a place of frustration and genuine suspicion that shes being manipulated
I don’t think this is all fakeable. Her mindset is so consistent and her paranoia has carried over from post to post naturally and doesn’t feel artificial
Her reads revolve around her and almost everything she has said today has been incredibly self-centered (like thinking wolves are playing just to fuck with her head. not killing PRs on purpose so they can use her to push agenda on them, etc), which is a very very skewed mindset, but also very very pure
It’s easy for people to jump on her lack of progression from yesterday to today (to be fair, i wasn’t here yesterday so im not fully sure what that looked like) but the fact that she doesnt give a shit to make it smooth in the slightest, and shes quite clearly emotionally distressed from how she believes shes been taken advantage of to push wolf agenda, is very very very villagery

When i really meant it when i said it reminded me of a previous game we played. Not only was she acting extremely similarly, but people were also treating her extremely similarly, and pushing her as wolfy for her drop in WiM, defeatest attitude, and self-centered reads
I’m pretty sure I was like… literally the only person to townread her, and I kept her off the chopping block about 500 times. She literally voted me because she thought I was TMI’ing her town lmao - once again showing a mindset of solving that revolves around her
This game feels almost like a repeat of that one - but less floundering and depression and more paranoia and aggression

If shes a wolf shes playing the game of her life, and somehow managing to make all of her posts come across as emotionally driven and genuine to the point where she should win an Oscar

My only qualm with her is that she hasn’t expressed paranoia towards me
But otherwise shes increeeedibly villabro

Posts from Shortnight 2 if you care

I’ll do the rest of my catchup now


I feel like your ignoring a couple posts I made around that. After realizing that I would be lynched that day, I quickly gave away a couple of final thoughts and reads before that and more importantly after that. We did not know that there was gonna be a day extension, so what would be the point of doing so?
let’s see if there’s anything else I need to say before my deah

I’ve been focusing on Helz for so long I’m starting to feel like I’m probably wrong there. Meh.

I have a few confident town reads still but I really don’t know how to approach this EoD.

/Vote Aelin @EliThePsycho @osieorb18

That’s probably a start for my mind set but I’m not too confident. I’m mainly sheeping Chloe and she could of course be pocketing me but I see exactly zero reason for her to go out of her way and do so.

I just explained this addressing Chloe. Hope that helps.

idk what to make of what I’ve read so far
right now I’m at Chloe town

Wind vs. Guillo T/T

idk what to make of Blitz tbh
their posts don’t actually look that bad and tone is fine buuuuuuut that EOD wagon shift feels weird

Already explained. I really dislike this post because I actively questioned both Blitz and Merc and I did it today, so it’s not like it is not something happening in recent thread memory and I also engaged with the person town reading that slot - Chloe, and told Chloe why I sussed him and that she should iso him and see what the comes up with. So the entirety of his statement is false. Idk if maybe you just didn’t read all of Day 3 yet? Cuz that’s the only benefit of the doubt here.

You just checked yourself into the null list.

@Prophylaxis also another reason why I’m scum reading Blitz is because I didn’t @ him, I only said his name when he wasn’t around at all to my knowledge and he immediately popped into the thread. Idk if he was lurking, but that is one heck of a bloody coincidence and I only mentioned it once because I know it’s angleshooty but I’m inclined to think this was a TMI slip and that he had scummates in the thread who told him to go respond to Nika.

@Prophylaxis my questioning on Merc. Some of her post gave me a good feelings whereas none of Blitz post did. they felt forced.

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two points.
I have the site opened in ony a sidebar while I’m currently working so I can take a peek at it occasinally to see what’s new. So there was a post adressing me and thus I replied, plus there was sometime between me popping up and your post. No where enough to call instant

@Wisdom- Can you clarify your reads on Wiisp and Min?

Also this post here caught my attention:

Can you explain your reasoning here?

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Yeah multiple people have mentioned they viewed that as something other than what i saw

After talking to Luk about it earlier I realized my analysis was a stretch and ultimately I don’t believe it to be AI in either direction - I was mostly projecting the fact that I myself wouldn’t say that there as a wolf, but Blitz isn’t me lol

Wind mighta contributed to the CFD onto Tilg but it didnt feel like wolfy opportunism
She also didn’t OMGUS push back onto Derps when she very well could have - especially considering how volatile the thread was
It’s not a huge point, dont get me wrong, but I think the way she acted there was fine

Mood lmao

I really like Prophylaxis’ posts
Transparent mindset with great depth of thought
Looks like a genuine attempt to get their footing and gauge alignments, and I don’t feel any indication of agenda
I really appreciate that they actually follow through on questions they toss into the thread and expand on their answers after the questions have marinated for a bit. Solid playstyle. I’m a fan
(Also I’m a huge sucker for filler words like ‘uhhhh’ but dont tell them i said that)
Also Proph I dont understand the exact references but ladd GOAT regardless

Expand on this a bit? Also since you’re the Resident Guillo Reader, can you do an ISO of him and give your thoughts? Your read seems to be founded on a lot of his early stuff

All fair assessments
I’ve had these thoughts as well

When I was reading last night I thought Guillo was softing that he was the other mason and thats why he was claiming PGO, which is why I got off of his wagon and was frustrated

With that in mind I thought Wiisp’s claim could be real, but now that the cat’s outta the bag and derps outted as Mason I’m back to the ‘theres a wolf in wiisp/guillo’ dichotomy thats objectively unhealthy to have

The fact that he hasnt put any effort into dunking on Aelin is also a good point. Unsure how much of that to chalk up to the fact he said hes not having an easy time getting settled into the game

I feel like both Wiisp and Aelin are sold that the other is a wolf but theres just
Nothing there
Neither of them is going through the motions to get the other killed
Its weird as hell lmao

Guillo could be a wolf but this wouldn’t be why, ftr
I think him proposing a thunderdome there is almost entirely NAI - it feels like more of a personality and ego thing. It feels like something Marl would do lmao

Bro what
You arent even trying to solve me
I’ve been trying to gauge your alignment this entire day phase but you’re so incredibly hard to work with

I’m not Erika. Read me.

Please don’t vote me because you think I could be a good wolf
This stuff gets so frustrating lmao

I hate being brushed off as unreadable when I definitely am readable, and I just got here and as much as I want a break from FM I’m finally getting into the flow of this game and would appreciate not being today’s ML because of whatever my predecessor did, and because people can’t be bothered to put effort into reading me out of laziness or paranoia or whatever it might be

This is absolutely town!Wind. See my prior post.

This behavior from her is easy pickins for wolves and part of the reason I’ve had a read of 1+ wolf in derps/guillo - though derps is claimed mason and i dont freakin know whats up with guillo anymore to be quite honest

Good look for Luk

Also i’m an idiot
Nothing new

I somewhat blew my scumread of you out of proportions in order to see if I could garner a wagon, and, if so, who joined and for what reasons

I do think you’re tonally off and incredibly monotone - which isn’t like the aggressive and confident v!Aelin that I know - but I also know this could be because of irl circumstances. So don’t get me wrong, I do think you could be a wolf, but I don’t think you’re lock like i expressed earlier

I mostly bullshitted the fact that you’ve been consistently pushing villagers, as I wanted to see if anyone would defend that point, or if anyone would hop on the train out of opportunism

What I noticed was a distinct lack of… anything, except from Wisdom, who sheeped my case of you without hesitation - which pinged me as off and felt like easy piggybacking

I didn’t see any support from Wiisp which doesn’t match his mindset that you’re incredibly scummy and I legit don’t know what to make of that, but it feels like he doesn’t actually believe in his take if hes not putting in any effort to get you killed. Especially since someone else is doing the work for him and all he has to do is say ‘finally someone agrees with me’ and vote you

Also I hope you feel better and I apologize if I offended you. Take care of yourself

I’m not proofreading this post because i’m lazy so apologies if there are typos

/vote Blitz @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

lets see how i feel about this

You definetly raise good points to who to vote, h m . Although you are switching your votes quite fast.

I change my votes a lot, yeah
But its important to look at context

Speed and timing of vote changing can absolutely be AI but theres more value in looking at why someone is changing votes so rapidly

The answer is that I’m not fully certain where my head is at in terms of reads, and I use my vote as a tool and a method to solidify my reads and see what ‘sticks’

Its like… you know when you have an obligation like homework, and if you spell it out and write it like ‘i need to do my homework tonight’ it becomes solidified and you feel more inclined to do your homework? That’s kinda how i feel about votes

I dont know if this makes any sense lol

I toss votes to see if my mind changes or if I feel comfortable, to see if anyone follows me, to see if anyone is against my votes, etc

I change votes a lot, its just my playstyle


Blitz and Merc are to be suspected. Did Merc even interact?

@Helz I don’t remember my read on Wiisp tbh, I think I got some good vibes from how they reacted to being wagoned at some point.

Min pushed me in a way that I felt like “this makes sense even though it’s wrong” which I rarely feel when wolves are pushing me.

At the time I wrote it you stepped in and started buggering right as me and Haif (?) found each other instantly after just spending a minute or so in thread. And wolves don’t like when townies find each other so it seemed as if you were trying to seed doubts. I don’t remember exactly what you said but that’s the jist of it.

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Nika what is your read on Zone and Merc now?

shortly after that Blitz started a progression on me using Guillotina’s reasoning from his Day 2 RT, something he had nothing to say about before to my knowledge, and it’s a point that I’ve clarified numerous times. Guillotina kept framing it like I had “so much time left to respond” and that “town doesn’t claim immediately”. The first isn’t true because I didn’t have time at all and the 2nd is WIFOM. Also why on earth wouldn’t I call out a bold faced lie as town??? This is bizarre and really a 180 flip on how he was responding to me before.

In fact my last back and forth interaction with Blitz was on Day 2, about how after seeing Zone’s and lemon’s case I sort of disagreed with them except on the last point which was how Blitz’s EoD 1 looked opportunistic and that I disagreed with Tilg’s read on Blitz entirely.

Can follow from these links to see what was our only previous interaction.

After finding the links and re-reading I will say then Blitz was helpful in linking/quoting why ppl sussed him which I don’t know if scum would do. That’s at least one town point in his favour. But idk, this sudden Day 3 push based on Guillotina’s reaction test just seemed reachy especially when there are other things to discuss about my slot if you really wanted to sort me. And I already know scum would be pushing me today as easy mislynch material after the Tilg flip so I’m trying to be hyper aware of who’s pushing me and why and their reasoning behind it rn.

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