54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Marl is back

Marl don’t speak like that

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Lies and Slander


He just DMd me that

Asked him what is his favourite food and colour

@Kirefitten Remember the database?

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Should I buy skills or goods next


Skills or goods

I still have 1970 gems

Pick one randomly, I guess?

back to the shadows I go

Last Post

4 Feb


I have money now, but I still travel like a hobo.

Why am I like dis.

Just casually waiting like an actual zombie 6 hrs before I can finally check in, because I just had to book a nightbus, because it’s way cheaper than a flight and iT SaVeS mE ONe NiGHt.

Um… Can someone explain what happened in the Danganronpa FM sign-ups thread? Why is it closed?

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Ins & Outs


Double out by Sulit:







Still not sure if this is an in:



  1. PoisonedSquid
  2. Geyde
  3. Orangeandblack5
  4. Luxy
  5. Jgoesgaming
  6. WazzaAzza
  7. MaximusPrime
  8. PokemonKidRyan
  9. Arete
  10. Shurian (Re-in)
  11. Astand (Re-in)
  12. H_Hja (Re-in)
  13. Vulgard
  14. Hippolytus (Re-in)
  15. DatBird
  16. Icibalus (Re-in)
  17. Mercenary (Re-in)
  18. SetToBlow
  19. SirDerpsAlot
  20. Kai_5 (Re-in)
  21. TrustworthyLiberal
  22. Ryast
  23. chiangsmokers
  24. Lastday3312
  25. Pilica
  26. Marshal
  27. Soulshade55r
  28. Nuclear_Rehab ?
  29. Limestone
  30. Red_Sea
  31. Insanity
  32. ThatAsianGuy
  33. Solic
  34. Magnus
  35. Italy
  36. Eevee
  37. Boss110


  1. Simon
  2. Zone_Q11
  3. Maxwell

No Spectators

If someone outed and re-inned, I made them keep their slot, not sure if that’s how it’s supposed to be done, so if it’s wrong tell me and I’ll fix it.


Eevee did a thing where the topic would close ten minutes after the last reply, that’s why there’s so much posts all of a sudden.

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Did Alice agree to it? Is the game starting soon?

You underestimate me, H_Hja.

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Start date is still the 16th. Not sure if Eevee had consent from Alice to do that but I’m assuming they did.