54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have money now, but I still travel like a hobo.

Why am I like dis.

Just casually waiting like an actual zombie 6 hrs before I can finally check in, because I just had to book a nightbus, because it’s way cheaper than a flight and iT SaVeS mE ONe NiGHt.

Um… Can someone explain what happened in the Danganronpa FM sign-ups thread? Why is it closed?

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Ins & Outs


Double out by Sulit:







Still not sure if this is an in:



  1. PoisonedSquid
  2. Geyde
  3. Orangeandblack5
  4. Luxy
  5. Jgoesgaming
  6. WazzaAzza
  7. MaximusPrime
  8. PokemonKidRyan
  9. Arete
  10. Shurian (Re-in)
  11. Astand (Re-in)
  12. H_Hja (Re-in)
  13. Vulgard
  14. Hippolytus (Re-in)
  15. DatBird
  16. Icibalus (Re-in)
  17. Mercenary (Re-in)
  18. SetToBlow
  19. SirDerpsAlot
  20. Kai_5 (Re-in)
  21. TrustworthyLiberal
  22. Ryast
  23. chiangsmokers
  24. Lastday3312
  25. Pilica
  26. Marshal
  27. Soulshade55r
  28. Nuclear_Rehab ?
  29. Limestone
  30. Red_Sea
  31. Insanity
  32. ThatAsianGuy
  33. Solic
  34. Magnus
  35. Italy
  36. Eevee
  37. Boss110


  1. Simon
  2. Zone_Q11
  3. Maxwell

No Spectators

If someone outed and re-inned, I made them keep their slot, not sure if that’s how it’s supposed to be done, so if it’s wrong tell me and I’ll fix it.


Eevee did a thing where the topic would close ten minutes after the last reply, that’s why there’s so much posts all of a sudden.

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Did Alice agree to it? Is the game starting soon?

You underestimate me, H_Hja.

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Start date is still the 16th. Not sure if Eevee had consent from Alice to do that but I’m assuming they did.

@eevee Did you get permission to close the sign up thread for Danganronpa FM?

It really doesnt matter the order usually. Since Alice hasnt formatted it in a while she will prob keep as many re ins as possible, but usually if I’m doing it. If they out and in again they get the newest spot in the list

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wtf 36 players
lynches are going to be a hot mess


I can already see myself getting forced into the role of defending a player I don’t actually strongly townread in a debate scrum

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I’m just gonna check if I didn’t miss anyone (With search this time, not reading all that again.)

I missed Boss110, so 37 players lol.

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Yeah, I type /join instead of /in

My alarm did a funny
It did daylights saving time a week late after I manually changed it. Kill me

Seems like the clock knew what it was doing and it’s your fault for changing it

Yes because instead of being late one day I would wake up a hour early for a week. Either way I’m fucked

imagine having to work

You get like 59 marshal money

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