[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Boop what could this be?

Literally just ISOs… I have no idea why I did this

Sidenote: Thread was locked so you have to deal with me using links for referencing and analyzing posts so big rip.


[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #199 by Shurian

Slot starts off with a NAI opener. Nothing much to comment on.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #224 by Shurian

Ok thought here I guess from this slot, however, if you look at the replies, they mention something about Arc not mentioning Maple at all… which just makes this post become sorta confusing and weird.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #243 by Shurian

I can recall resolving this or whatever like a while ago, but now that I look at this post again, it’s really weird. Shurian did apologize a little while later about this post and how it was totally bs or something, cause someone trying to solve isn’t scummy at all, but what I’m trying to figure out is how does a Townie come a conclusion such as this when I was trying to solve? @Shurian might be a little tough to ask but could you give us an idea as to how you came to the conclusion mentioned in this post? That would be very nice and valuable for evaluation of your posts in isolation.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #254 by Shurian

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #250 by Shurian

Pretty sure this was a meme post or whatever, but this post makes this slot look slightly more townier I guess.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #416 by Shurian

Feels a little lazy coming from this slot to just openly say “pressuring X” won’t give us information that early on. Not sure if I really like this post, it gives me scummy vibes. Town wants as much information as possible, and not even trying to do something that might give information isn’t a good idea for town. There’s also the fact that this slot voted Maple like 5 posts ago which sorta and sorta doesn’t contradict this specific post."

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #696 by Shurian

Eh post, mostly memes, only sorta read was on me which is… ehh wasn’t that much of a read in the first place.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #699 by Shurian

“Non posters may have 0/1 scum [Thread is moving in a singular direction]
Active posters have 1/2 scum”

This feels like a very useless and pointless post trying to hide itself as seemingly good content? I don’t quite get what this post is trying to say since it’s just mentioning… the obvious, which is that there may be scum within the active posts or there may be scum within the non posters, which is what I’m currently interrupting this post as, which is very useless and pointless, but on the outside it looks like content.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #776 by Shurian

Sheep vote onto another slot who we figure out later on to be a mechconfirmed town or whatever doesn’t look too good. This is like the only time they’ve sheeped someone in their ISO, so it feels like weak reasoning from a scum to just vote someone or start a wagon on a town. If I saw more sheep votes from this slot, I might be more inclined to read this off as like a meta thing this slot does or something, but no… this is the only time they’ve sheeped a vote in their ISO if I can recall… so it’s a really weird and offputting post here.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #827 by Shurian

Uhh wait a second… didn’t they just vote Eli because lolsheep like literally 3 posts ago? Now they have reasons for voting Eli? That seems really weird…

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #1499 by Shurian

Ignoring the part about “I want to create chaos cause chaos = content which makes more read content” or whatever, apparently now they voted Eli apparently for content… which is a fine reason if we ignore their reasoning for voting Eli 5 posts being just a sheepvote… except that there’s something even more wierd now that feels like cherry picking. You see, a couple posts, they said something along the lines of “let’s not vote Maple cause that won’t bring us info”, but now here they want to vote Eli for info? or content I guess but same thing.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #1503 by Shurian

Wait how did PKR become one of your locktowns??? Wasn’t this like on day 1 or 2??? Like I can understand Wind, but PKR? @Shurian you need to explain the locktown read on PKR more.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2114 by Shurian

Ok so… now PKR is a scumlean? or something like that? I don’t quite get how a slot suddenly went from locktown to scumlean? Like these reads are much better than the old ones I feel like, but literally in the post after the old post where you locktowned PKR, PKR suddenly becomes a scumlean without explanation.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2122 by Shurian

“Gotta figure out why they didnt kill me, Light or something like that. I’m guessing I’m a designated mislynch today :slight_smile:

Weak reasoning for a defense or whatever, but also a really bad comment cause… I honestly don’t think scum would care to kill Light or Shurian at all when they have to deal with like 4 mech confirmed townies and like 2 or 3 other really obvious townies.
Other than that, Arc read is fine I guess. Arc’s aggressiveness did throw me a little off, but I guess he does this regularly as town and doesn’t do this much as scum or something, and sharing the same sort of sentiment is ok I guess.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2124 by Shurian

Wasn’t this slot scumleaning PKR like a while back? Suddenly PKR is town or something judging by how they’re not in the PoE? This feels… really off-putting. This slot apparently can’t make up it’s idea on PKR and just keeps shifting back and fourth on their read on PKR without much explanation and progress…

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2161 by Shurian

Self-vote and AtE for easy townclear.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2243 by Shurian

Ok read on Arctic I guess. Someone pushing another slot without reevaluation and without much space to change their thoughts could be AI of townie behavior rather than scum behavior I guess.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2314 by Shurian

Ok so this post from this slot tells me one thing upon first reading it, they clearly read Light as town or atleast believe Light to have randed town judging by how they say they would kill Light if they were scum to ignore the Joat fiesta, clearly indicating that they believe atleast Light is townie. That’s fine and all except there’s no where in their ISO before this post that indicates they even read Light as town. Which is really weird. Sure they might have interacted with Light like in 3 posts, but no where do I see them reading Light as town.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2328 by Shurian

Ok… so here they pretty much explain that they would kill Light here to throw as little possible shade and clears or whatever as possible if they were potential scum… which is I guess fine? It’s not like a horrible defense I guess, but it’s also not a great defense either.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2329 by Shurian


[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2738 by Shurian

Ok so first actual readlist. I guess it’s pretty fine

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2744 by Shurian

Interesting post. @Shurian would like if you would expand on this more. What did you want to change about your readlist based on those interactions?

Conclusion: While this slot did actually give me some towny pings at first evaluation when I was looking at their solving and going “Ok, maybe this could be town. Give em some more time perhaps,” I was proven wrong once actually taking a deeper look and analyzing their posts. You see, while I actually do think their tone in these posts seem to be townie (something I probably should’ve mentioned more in the actual ISO but I’m too lazy), the content sorta disproves this. Some of their reads are weird, and keep changing without much explanation or progress at all, while others just randomly appear, without much any thoughts or reasoning to back it up. There’s also some posts that I want them to explain more, but overall, slot looks worse than before I ISO’ed them.


[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #363 by Light

Decent opener. Pretty sure it’s NAI, but for some reason it gives me towny feelings. Not sure why though.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #364 by Light

Interesting thought, though reasoning is unclear. @Aelin gib the reasoning for this thought, and also why you thought it was Min specifically out of the 3.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #365 by Light

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #367 by Light

These are fine thoughts I guess, but I don’t necessarily agree with them, or well my thoughts and reads at the time weren’t the same as this post.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #374 by Light

Questioning is good. But needs more depth, aka which posts from Illwei didn’t this slot like and why.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #383 by Light

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #387 by Light

Huh… I don’t mean to be like a party pooper or some sort of depressed person but is Light usually this upbeat and happy? Like these are fine but like I don’t recall ever seeing Light like this and these posts feel a little off to be honest… then again there’s probably just something wrong with me.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #399 by Light

Ok so an explanation for that first post, which is nice. So the ping wasn’t needed I guess. The thing is… wasn’t that around the point where we just started memeing cause “first 150 posts are memes so meme looser” or whatever? Did you notice that post from Min explaining that or did you miss it?

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #594 by Light

This post slightly pings me off, specifically the part about “innocent until proven guilty” but I’ll choose to… just accept that as something else for now.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #930 by Light

Game then proceeds to show us 4 Joat claims (who are all supposedly town???), a diasaterous EoD, a self-voting wallposter, deathtunnels and a scum lonch in the end of it somehow

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #935 by Light

Spicy post, makes me sorta believe he’s town more. Not sure if scum wants to get into these types of conflicts.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #977 by Light

Wait, why scum Joat specifically… you would think the goons would try to get the town Joats killed instead of the scum Joat instead…

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #1148 by Light

War flashbacks intensifies

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #1478 by Light

So would you put them Null at the time @Aelin?

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2079 by Light

Interesting, @Aelin what type of towny pings did you get from me?

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2289 by Light

Good analysis post, I like it. Nothing much else to say here I guess.

[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Day 3 (10/13) - #2305 by Light

Yes fool you have fallen for my pocket

Conclusion: Light is pretty towny from his ISO. His tone feels good and his questioning, general thoughts, reads and solving all feel natural and towny as hell to me. I am aware that Light is pretty good scum or can atleast replicate his current town meta or whatever (look at FoL 30, when most of us townread Light cause lolmeta0, but most of his posts are fine and I feel are backed up by logic and reasoning. There are some “questionable” posts, but I’m willing to sidestep those for now since the quality overall is good. If Light turns out to be scum… then Light is big looser.

No Touchy Zone

Not bothering ISOing these cause either mech-confirmed I guess or obvious town.

Mechconfirmed Town or Something?

Town Town

Why the hell did I give myself like 3 hours to ISO 4 people with around 100 meaty posts or so while at the same time got distracted for an hour due to Youtube and Minecraf ahhhhhhh
PKR and SDA ISO analysis coming soon or never cause I’m probably gonna do them halfway through the day.


did… did they still really think eevee was a PR?

anyway this changes nothing for our theory that the mafia have people who aren’t paying attention
and if it wasn’t illwei, then i’m looking at PKR and Shurian

/vote Shurian

1 Like

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI 1/6

Yes they did lol, or else that he was solving too much

Anyway I wrote a wallposts during the night but I don’t really know if it’s worth posting, meh

My bad, I was the only one around who could’ve unvoted Illwei and I didn’t, but I don’t really think you guys want my reasons as to why.

Arctic is clear as yk not the mafia joat btw

[!] Addendum: With 10 players alive, majority is 6.

I like how they tried twice to kill eevee specifically, though

Like I get the feeling scum came into the thread yesterday, saw eevee asking me why the hell I thought Eli was a JoaT, and then decided that was enough and left again. Lol.

Also, Derps never got the chance to come back before Maple hammered and I’d like his presence in the thread.

@SirDerpsAlot sup

/vote Shurian @Arete
just stopping in and dropping a vote here because they essentially openwolfed and quickhammered
danke schon

Maple quickhammered, not Shurian…

that was maple

maybe we should have light in the category of not knowing what’s going on after all


Light voted 6th on Illwei lol

/vote Maple @Arete
just stopping in and dropping a vote here because they essentially openwolfed and quickhammered
danke schon

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted By Votes
Shurian ArcticXI 1/6
Maple Light 1/6

Bold of you to assume I ever know what’s going on

Should we really scumread Maple because of the quickhammer, though? Even town knew we wouldn’t be at a disadvantage for misyeeting


/vote maple